Negative pregnancy test but no period after nexplanon removal

I had the Implanon in for over a year and never had my period. I got it taken out over two months ago and still havent had my period is that normal?

It’s common to have a lighter period while using Implanon, and for many women, their periods go away completely. But it is uncommon for a woman to go for two months without a period after her implant is removed.

Women can get pregnant very soon after having an implant removed. If you’re concerned about a possible pregnancy, take a pregnancy test as soon as possible.

If you are not pregnant and you do not get your period, talk with your health care provider.

Tags: birth control, Implanon, periods

Hey Mommies!
I got the nexplanon on February 2nd 2015 then removed it due ovarian pain 5 months later on the 28th of last month.. I have been told that once it's removed, I will have immediate fertility. Today is August 29 and I still haven't had a period. I forgot to mention I had unprotected sex every day before and after removal but I haven't had a period. I have taken 2 home pregnancy tests and both negative. When will I expect a period? I'm trying to conceive baby #2 but no luck especially since I haven't had a period yet. Any advice? Thanks!

Rabz179435 over a year ago

my last period was in early january while i was still on the birth control, the implanon.
i had my birth control removed feburary 8th and i haven't had a period yet?
i haven't taken a pregnancy test yet.
i've had unproexted sex with my boyfriend before and after the removal.

i'm wondering the possiblities on becoming pregnant because i read somewhere if you dont have your period,
you don't ovulate, and if you're not ovulating, you can't get pregnant?
so basically without a period you can't get pregnant? is that true?
what's the possibilites of me being pregnant?
and when and how many pregnancy tests should i take? :O

April O.168888 over a year ago

Hi! Your body probably needs some time to get back in normal after implanon removal. You're probably not pregnant, your period is just delayed due to hormonal changes. You can do the pregnancy test just to stop worrying about it. But give yourself some time, I'm sure your period will come. Take care.

Guest over a year ago

Hi, im in a similar situation. I got my implanon removed on the 5th January 2011, had spotting on the 19th February which only lasted a day I done a pregnancy test on the 22nd but it was negative. I was at the docs today and asked her when period should return after implanon and she told me that it should have returned by now. She said that the bleeding may have been a very light period but seemed unlikely and she advised me to take another pregnancy test in a week. If its still negative and period hasnt returned within 28days from spotting that I have to go back and see her.

I think that you can still ovulate despite not having a period although the chances of conceiving are probably less. I think everbody is different. I had irregular periods the whole time i was on implanon so hard to tell when it will come! I have read on different forums that sometime it can take several months for periods to return to normal. Its a bit of a pain as I would like to have my regular cycles again!

Not sure if this is any help or not!

Rabz179435 over a year ago

Have you had any signs of pregnancy?

I've been getting up atleast twice a night to pee,

And eatting everything in my apartment

I was also so nauseated yesterday morning.

Also i'm getting discharge now?

I never had it on the impanon either.

I had irregular periods on the implanon also.

I don't know if it's just because i'm getting offthe implanon

Or Just i'm just stressed about it.

If thats even possible.

I plan on taking a pregnancy test on the 7th or 8th since that'll be an exact month i've had my implanon out.

That did help!

Just wondering about everyones experiences

Because i read some post its so hard for people to get pregnant after the implanon

And some people get it removed and get pregnant like 2 days later!

anette over a year ago

Hi ladies my name is Anette. I WAS on the same situation you find yourselves in now. I removed my rod on january 13 2011. While on it my period was very irregular so I had no clue when my next one would be. A few weeks after removing it I started worrying about not having my period yet. I had sex before removing the rod and a few times after. Still no period. At about 4 weeks of removing the rod I started having strong pregnancy symptoms like nausea back aches etc. I should know I have a 3yr old. Well I went to the ER because I had really bad cramps. I was told I was not pregnant and that it was my body reacting to the ross hormone leaving my body. Made perfect sense to me. Well now it is March 2 2011 and still I have no period since removing the implanon. The pregnancy symptoms I had where long gone im feeling fine. I walked into a dollar store and I dnt know what made me want to buy a pregnancy test but I did. When I got home I took it. I could not believe my eyes!!! It was POSITIVE!! A faint line but there none the less. I couldnt believe it. I went to thet doctors today and they confirmed im indeed in the stages of an early pregnancy and that is why the lines are so faint
So to answer your question NO YOU DONT NEED TO HAVE YOUR PERIOD TO CONCIEVE. Just have as much sex as possible. I really hope this helped. GOODLUCK!! :-)

Rabz179435 over a year ago

How far along pregnant are you? Do they think you got pregnant around the time you got it removed?

I haven't had a period since early January.
And still nothing.

On march 8th it'll be a month since I've had it removed,
But I seem to be feeling extremely sick,
And it went away these past like 3 days,
But today its back and its bad.
I'm not sure if it's too early for like morning sickness or
If its from the implanon.

I don't know of I should wait til the 8th to test!
I'm getting frustrated!
I don't wanna see a negative test!

Guest over a year ago

I dont know how far I am yet. My last period was on December 2010 and I was still on the implanon then so I doubt im that far and because the lines where so faint I know I can be more than 5 weeks. I can completely understand how you feel because I started having the symptoms about a week after removing the rod and then they got stronger. At one point I even felt movement in my stomach I though I was going insane. It hurt so bad when I took the first few tests and they where negative. I gave up on the idea of being preggo. But from your situation it is possible that you might be pregnant. Wait a week or two I know its hard and then take another test. But the best advise I can give you is have as much sex as possible you could be ovulating at any time. I was told that because our bodies are getting rid of the bc hormone our bodies can go on "hyper ovulation" and release more eggs than normal. I hope things work out for you let me know how it.goes. :-)

Rabz179435 over a year ago

I took a pregnancy test this morning abd it was negative.

I'm going to try again in a week.

Guest over a year ago

Rabz wrote:

Rabz wrote:

Hi, im in a similar situation. I got my implanon removed on the 5th January 2011, had spotting on the 19th February which only lasted a day I done a pregnancy test on the 22nd but it was negative. I was at the docs today and asked her when period should return after implanon and she told me that it should have returned by now. She said that the bleeding may have been a very light period but seemed unlikely and she advised me to take another pregnancy test in a week. If its still negative and period hasnt returned within 28days from spotting that I have to go back and see her.

I think that you can still ovulate despite not having a period although the chances of conceiving are probably less. I think everbody is different. I had irregular periods the whole time i was on implanon so hard to tell when it will come! I have read on different forums that sometime it can take several months for periods to return to normal. Its a bit of a pain as I would like to have my regular cycles again!

Not sure if this is any help or not!

Have you had any signs of pregnancy?
I've been getting up atleast twice a night to pee,
And eatting everything in my apartment
I was also so nauseated yesterday morning.
Also i'm getting discharge now?
I never had it on the impanon either.
I had irregular periods on the implanon also.

I don't know if it's just because i'm getting offthe implanon
Or Just i'm just stressed about it.

If thats even possible.

I plan on taking a pregnancy test on the 7th or 8th since that'll be an exact month i've had my implanon out.

That did help!
Just wondering about everyones experiences
Because i read some post its so hard for people to get pregnant after the implanon
And some people get it removed and get pregnant like 2 days later!

Hi yeah i am now getting the discharge and having lower back pain that comes and goes, im going to leave it until after 19th March to do another test as this will be 28 days after the spotting. I am still feeling sick and have the metal taste in my mouth also. Feeling like im having a phantom pregnancy to be honest!!!

Guest over a year ago

hi im having the same problem i started my last period on 9th feb had implanon removed on the 10th and i am now a week late from my regular cylce. i did a test this morning and it was negative im the opposite though i dont really want any more but if it happened it happened i have been careful since having implant removed but there has been the odd time we havent. i dont know what to think anymore hate waiting to see what happens

Guest over a year ago

Hi ladies

I'm having a very similar situation to all of you. I had the Implanon inserted in December of 2008. I had the Implanon removed in November of 2010 it is now March 17 2011 and I have yet to see my period. I have been having unprotected sex, not in hopes of getting pregnant. But, I have taken multiple pregnancy test and they have all read negative. I'm pretty sure that I have been having the symptoms of pregnancy nausea,fatigue even eating crazy and think that I have been feeling movements now I have just came to the conclusion that I was going insane. I'm becoming scared and worried and don't know wat to do. :-(

12345 over a year ago

Hi every1 am in the kinda same situation as use...I am a mum of 2 already and me and my husband r trying to conceive for baby number i had the implanon in after having my first girl for 3 years and took 6 months to conceive (of which i had a miscarrage) then anther 6 months to conceive with myh youngest whos now 3,so had the implanon in for 3 yrs then wer decided we were wanting to try for anther sibling ..
I usually have a 5 day cycle every 28 days..My period in Jan was normal then on 11th feb (my due date) i had a light period just until the 13th (of which i am usually heavy) then got my implanon removed 22nd feb and on the 23rd?24th feb i has some light spotting....?
Still not had my period and tyested 2 days ago of which was a negative tests,been getting all sa,e symptoms as i have had in my other pregnancies.Is this normal for ur periods to take so long to return to normal or if they dont come in antha week so a re test again? Thanks x

shazzrah over a year ago


I had my implanon removed 22nd January 2010 and have had irregular, heavy and extended periods ever since. I wish I had never gone for implanon as a contraceptive, I am currently in week 4 of my latest period (bleeding for 4 weeks..) and this is a regular occurrence, my periods are lasting 3-4 weeks, then a week or two off, then back on. Had the implanon removed to try for a baby, but with such irregular periods finding it hard to get the timing right! I am now unsure whether it was the implanon that has caused it or if there is something else thats gone wrong? Anyone with any ideas?

Thanks :?

sarah_curran1182342 over a year ago

I had mine removed in Aug last year it took 7 weeks before i got a period and then they were heavy but pretty normal i guess I had one in Oct, Nov and Dec but I haven't had one since Dec, it's now...

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

(I already have 2 children and have taken 4 pregnancy test which all came back neg...)

Guest over a year ago

Hi, I've had the implanon when the doctor refused to perscribe the pill anymore after they were the cause of making my blood pressure sky high. I only had it in for 6 months and found massive weight gain (12kg in 6 months), depression, moodiness and itchiness where the implanon was put in even though I had been on a course of antibiotics because the doctor thought that there was an infection at the sight. I got sick of it and my husband did too. I was getting upset as well with the amount of wieght I had gained too as none of my clothes fit me anymore. I had it out on the 11th March 2011 and its now exactly one month later and still no sign of my period. I feel sick to the point of vomiting and tired all the time. I've done pregnancy tests, but they are negative and there is no reason to be pregnant as we haven't had unprotected sex since having it out. I've rang my GP but she said its normal not to have a period straight away as the lining of your uterus is thinned on the implanon and it needs to build up before you have a period. That was a week ago. Its now been exactly one month since having it out and still nothing. I just want them to get it over and done with. I've read that some women take up to six months to get back to normal. Its so frustrating. If I had been told of all these problems before I had gone on it i would have never have chosen it, but my doctor was so concerned about me getting pregnant - don't know why though, its not like there would have been a problem with it. We do want kids, just a little more in the future. I've also read that it can cause infertility. Is this true?? can someone out there please explain why it takes so long to get back to normal when with the pill you have a withdrawal bleed and thats sortof it??

Why haven't I started my period after taking out Nexplanon?

According to the NHS, it is normal to have late or irregular periods after stopping hormonal birth control. It can take several weeks, or sometimes months, for periods to resume as normal. Some doctors call this postpill amenorrhea.

When should I take a pregnancy test after getting Nexplanon removed?

In clinical trials, pregnancies were observed to occur as early as 7 to 14 days after removal. In clinical trials with the non-radiopaque etonogestrel implant (IMPLANON®), the etonogestrel levels in blood decreased below sensitivity of the assay by one week after removal of the implant.

When the pregnancy test shows negative but still no period?

The most common reason for a late period and a negative pregnancy test is that your period is simply delayed and you're not pregnant. Having one or two irregular cycles a year is not unusual and does not mean there is something wrong. Reasons your period might be late include: Breastfeeding.

Can you get pregnant after Nexplanon removal with no period?

You may become pregnant as early as a week after the removal of NEXPLANON. After NEXPLANON is removed, and if you do not wish to get pregnant at this time, you should start another birth control method, such as condoms, right away. Women may have minor discomfort and some bruising following NEXPLANON removal.


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