My throat hurts after wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure that is often necessary for cosmetic as well as health reasons. It is a procedure that many patients avoid for years, which tends to complicate the surgery more over time; therefore, if your wisdom teeth are coming in, it’s important to consult with your dentist sooner rather than later to ensure permanent damage does not result.

Just like any other surgery, there are benefits as well as risks and complications to look out for. With proper care, complications are usually avoidable. One possible effect of wisdom teeth removal that Simi Valley patients have stated affects them is a sore throat after surgery. In some cases, a sore throat is typical and nothing to be concerned about initially; however, in this article, we’ll highlight that it’s important to monitor your after-surgery symptoms to avoid complications and how you can do so.

Why Your Throat May Hurt After Wisdom Teeth Removal

There are a few reasons why one’s throat might hurt after wisdom teeth removal, and usually it’s not a cause for concern; however, there are instances where a sore throat could indicate that you need to be seen by your dentist and/or doctor right away.

A sore throat after wisdom teeth removal surgery is common and usually is related to the use of anesthetics during surgery. Additionally, sore jaw muscles are typical after wisdom teeth removal, which can translate into mild throat pain or soreness. It’s important to monitor throat pain after wisdom teeth removal to avoid infection or other issues that could compromise your healing.

How to Help Yourself Heal Properly After Surgery

A sore throat is common after wisdom teeth removal, but it can also be an indication of healing complications that should be monitored by your doctor. Taking care of yourself after any surgical procedure is critical, as it can help you avoid expensive doctor’s bills, health issues, and other complications associated with the surgery. Here are some tips to help you care for yourself after wisdom teeth removal surgery and avoid a sore throat:

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Drink plenty of clear fluids
  • Eat soft foods that do not require a lot of chewing or use of jaw muscles
  • Avoid talking too much
  • Avoid smoking or drinking fluids out of straws
  • Keep incision area clean
  • Call your doctor or dentist if a sore throat persists for longer than 2 days
  • Monitor your temperature to remain aware of developing infections

It’s important to take time to heal after surgery, which will take several weeks if healing goes normally. It is also best to stay in contact with your oral surgeon or dentist to ensure that your healing is going according to plan.

When to Contact Your Doctor

While a sore throat after surgery is common for up to a few days, if a sore throat persists then it’s important to contact your dentist or oral surgeon right away. Here are some other instances that indicate you should contact your dentist:

  • If your sore throat persists for more than 2 or 3 days
  • If your temperature rises past the normal level
  • If your conditions worsen
  • If you notice any blood or fluid coming from the incision area more than a day after surgery
  • If pain medications are not reducing symptoms

Remaining in touch with your doctor after surgery is crucial to ensure your healing is going according to plan; do not wait to contact your dentist or oral surgeon if you notice any concerning symptoms during your recovery process.

How We Can Help You

Here at the Dental Group of Simi Valley, we stay

in close contact with our patients after surgery to ensure that their healing process is quick and effective, without complications. Wisdom teeth removal is common, but as a surgical procedure it comes with risks as well as benefits. If you’re concerned about symptoms related to a sore throat after surgery, it’s important to contact our office right away. If you have any other questions related to wisdom teeth removal surgery and/or symptoms afterward, please contact one of our helpful professionals today. As a family-owned business here since 1963, the health and well-being of Simi Valley residents is our first priority.

Many people forget that wisdom teeth extraction is a surgical procedure. This means that there are certain symptoms that can be expected after such a procedure, and it’s important to know what you may potentially experience in your own recovery from the wisdom teeth removal. One of the more common after-effects of extraction is throat pain.

Not everyone experiences the same symptoms after wisdom teeth removal for various reasons. If you are anticipating a wisdom teeth removal surgery or you have already undergone surgery, it is quite important that you familiarize yourself with ways to ensure a healthy recovery. In this article, we will discuss why many patients experience throat pain after wisdom teeth removal surgery, how to take the best care of yourself possible after surgery, and red flags to look out for that indicate you should speak with your dentist or physician right away.

Common Recovery Symptoms After Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Recovery after wisdom teeth extraction is usually a simple process; however, there are some symptoms that are to be expected, and other symptoms that may be a cause for concern. It is important to keep in mind that every individual’s healing process looks different, so you may experience some of these symptoms to varying degrees. If you are concerned at all, it is best to remain in constant contact with your dentist or healthcare provider. Here are some symptoms that are typical and that you may experience after your surgery:


Of course you will experience some degree of pain after any surgical procedure. Since there are many nerve endings in the area, wisdom teeth removal can be quite painful; however, the pain should subside significantly as you heal and shouldn’t last for more than several days. Throat pain is common after surgery, particularly if the teeth were impacted, or you underwent anesthesia. You should take pain medication as directed by your doctor to help make your recovery more comfortable.

Mild Bleeding

After your surgery, the site of extraction will likely continue to bleed for several hours or may continue for several days but should lessen significantly over time. It is important to remain in an upright position as often as possible until the bleeding subsides. You should also change gauze padding regularly – at least once an hour. It is important to refrain from smoking or drinking out of a straw until your dentist or doctor say it’s okay to do so. To minimize excessive blood flow, you should not engage in rigorous activity.


This is one of the most common symptoms after wisdom teeth extraction. The amount of swelling experienced is usually directly related to the severity of the surgical procedure. For instance, if the teeth are impacted, the surgical procedure will be more invasive, thereby producing more swelling. However, not all individuals experience the same amount of swelling. Swelling is normal and can be helped with pain medications approved by your dentist as well as using ice packs on the area.

Symptoms that Indicate You Should Seek Medical Care

Taking care of yourself post-surgery is critical, as it can determine whether further medical attention is needed or not. It important that you be aware of the red flags after surgery so you can contact your doctor if necessary. Here are a few symptoms you should look out for:

  • Persistent numbness
  • Fainting or light-headedness
  • Raised body temperature for extended period of time
  • Persistent throat pain (past 3 days)
  • Torn sutures
  • Nausea
  • Increase rather than decrease in pain over course of recovery
  • Pain in the ear

If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms after your wisdom teeth extraction surgery, it is critical to get in touch with your medical provider to ensure your health and safe recovery.

How We Can Help

Here at the Dental Group of Simi Valley

family practice, we have been treating individuals and families in the area of Simi Valley, CA since 1963. Wisdom teeth extraction is a surgical procedure that requires skill and attentive after-care, and we make it our mission to help patients recover smoothly. If you would like to speak with a professional or schedule a consultation, please feel free to call one of our helpful associates – we look forward to enhancing your dental care.

What helps a sore throat after wisdom teeth removal?

Your sore throat after your wisdom tooth surgery is completely normal and you can have it subside in no time with some simple remedies..
Salt water remedy. Gargling salt water is a remedy for most any mouth pain. ... .
A cold compress or cold treats. ... .
Hot tea and lots of liquids. ... .
Lemon and honey. ... .
Eat soft foods..

Why does my throat hurt when I swallow after getting wisdom teeth out?

The sore throat after wisdom teeth are extracted is caused by sore and swollen muscles near the surgical area. This is a common complication that occurs in many patients who have had one or more wisdom teeth extracted. Usually, the sore throat clears up within 3 days after wisdom tooth extraction.


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