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Avid Knowledge Base
Setting up Aria Player for Garritan Personal Orchestra 4 (GPO4) in Sibelius

Last Updated : May 30, 2013
Products Affected :

This article describes how to set up the Aria Player to run with Garritan Personal Orchestra 4. The same instructions apply for running Jazz and Big Band 3 and Concert and Marching Band 2.

Sibelius 7, Sibelius 6.1 or later, Sibelius 6 Student and Sibelius 6 First will automatically load sounds into the Aria player, allowing you to play back scores using the latest version of Garritan Personal Orchestra, GPO4.

IMPORTANT: to prevent the Aria Player crashing when loading sounds, make sure you are running the latest version of the Aria Player and Engine (version 1.111 or later), which are both available for download here:


Windows users

When installing the Garritan libraries, it will also install the Aria plugin. This is what Sibelius needs to use to be able to load the Garritan sounds. The Aria player VST plugin is installed into the following folder by default:

C:\Program Files\Garritan\ARIA Player\VST

Sibelius needs to be able to see these dll files in order for Aria to appear in as a playback device in Sibelius. There are a few ways of doing this, depending on the version of Sibelius:

Sibelius 7:

Sibelius 7 looks in these locations for VSTPlugins by default:

On Windows 64-bit:

  • C:\Program Files\Avid\VSTPlugins
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Avid\VSTPlugins
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Sibelius Software\VSTPlugins

On Windows 32-bit:

  • C:\Program Files\Avid\VSTPlugins
  • C:\Program Files\Sibelius Software\VSTPlugins

As Sibelius 7 has the ability to look at multiple VSTPlugins folders you now have two options:

  • Start Sibelius and open a score
  • Go to thePlay > Setup > Playback Devices dialog
  • Click Audio Engine Options in the bottom left
  • Click the Folders... button and click the Add... button
  • Navigate the folders to the C:\Program Files\Garritan\ARIA Player\VST folder and click the Select Folder button
  • Restart Sibelius and you'll be able to create a Playback Configuration with the Aria Player

The other option is to move the required dll files into one of the VSTPlugins folders that Sibelius is looking at:

  • Quit Sibelius
  • Go to C:\Program Files\Garritan\ARIA Player\VST
  • If you are using Windows 64-bit copy the ARIA Player VST_x64.dll file
  • If you are using Windows 32-bit copy the ARIA Player VST_x86.dll file
  • If you're not sure, copy both and Sibelius will know what to do
  • Once you have copied the file, paste it into the C:/Program Files/Avid/VSTPlugins folder
  • Start Sibelius and you'll be able to create a Playback Configuration with the Aria Player

Sibelius 6:

Sibelius 6 looks in this location for VSTPlugins by default:

On Windows 64-bit:

  • C:/Program Files/Sibelius Software/VSTPlugins

On Windows 32-bit:

  • C:/Program Files (x86)/Sibelius Software/VSTPlugins

In order for Sibelius 6 to see the Aria Player, you need to copy the plugin from he Garritan folder into the above VSTPlugins folder:

  • Quit Sibelius
  • Go to C:\Program Files\Garritan\ARIA Player\VST
  • As Sibelius 6 is a 32-bit application, copy the ARIA Player VST_x86.dll file
  • Once you have copied the file, paste it into the C:/Program Files/Sibelius Software/VSTPlugins orC:/Program Files (x86)/Sibelius Software/VSTPlugins folder
  • Start Sibelius and you'll be able to create a Playback Configuration with the Aria Player

Creating a Playback Configuration with the Aria Player

  • Sibelius 7: Open a score and choose Play > Setup > Playback Devices
  • Sibelius 6: Choose Play,Playback Devices
  • Click New and type a name for your new configuration, e.g. GPO4, then click OK
  • Select each device listed in the right-hand Active devices list and click Deactivate
  • Now select ARIA Player (not ARIA Player (multi)) in the left-hand Available devices list and click Activate
  • Once ARIA Player appears in the right-hand list, select that row and click under the Sound set column in order to choose a sound set: choose Garritan Personal Orchestra 4.0 from the list of choices
  • Activate one or two more instances of ARIA Player, as appropriate: each instance can load up to 16 different sounds simultaneously. If your computer has 2GB RAM or more, it should be able to handle three instances of ARIA Player
  • If you want to use a combination of other players such as the Sibelius Player, you can activte this too. This will allow Sibelius to pick and choose the most suitable sound from both libraries
  • Click Save and Close

Now open any score or start a new score, and Sibelius will automatically use the sounds in GPO4 to play back your music.

Changing sounds in the Mixer

If you want to change the sound used by a particular staff, use Sibelius's Mixer to choose a new sound, and the ARIA Player will then automatically load the sound you have chosen. Don't open up the ARIA Player's window and load the sounds in there directly, as Sibelius will then override them the next time you play back.

Saving effects in the ARIA Player

ARIA includes built-in reverb. You can adjust the reverb preset from within the ARIA Player window itself, which you can show by clicking the little cog icon in Sibelius's Mixer, or by choosing it in Play > Playback Devices and click Show.

Once you adjust the reverb settings, be sure to click Save in Play > Playback Devices to save your changes as part of your Playback Configuration.

Updated Sound Sets

We have made some minor improvements to the Garritan Sound Sets for Sibelius 6, which can be found here:


Affected Products and Versions
Sibelius 5, 6 and 7
Sibelius First 6 and 7
Sibelius Student 6

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