Letter of recommendation for nursing student from instructor

Letter Template: 1





Subject: Recommendation letter for nursing student

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am (mention your name) senior (mention designation) would like to recommend [candidate name] for specialization in [mention department of medicine]. I am impressed by her ability to constantly deliver the highest number of patient care, which I am sure will be of great use during her specialization training.

According to his/her abilities, [candidate name] got a chance to study nursing in the [mention name of department] department of [mention name of hospital] in [mention date with year].

Her/ His compassion and conscientiousness have been the talk of the [name], and she/he has been motivated constantly to pursue what she/he works best in her field.

She/ he has also been a participant in the hospital’s program. [Name] work is very good and clean. I would recommend [Name] fully for the [mention details of nursing study program] program.

Through her/his overall asset, I think she/he is an ideal fit for this position. For further information, you can reach me anytime at (mention your phone number) or through an email (mention email address).


[Sender Name]

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Who Writes the Recommendations?

Any person intending to join a nursing school should have three recommendation letters. Usually, two letters are written by science professors and one by a non-science professor. The author of the recommendation should be the applicant’s teacher of a class the applicant is scoring high grades. Only then can the recommendations be considered convincing, especially since they can give examples of your good educational achievement.

If your professor teaches in a large class where they cannot spend enough time getting to know you better, request your teaching assistant. They can help your head professor write a recommendation letter and provide relevant information about your aspirations and achievements. An alternative is to meet the professor during their working hours and be more active so that they remember you as an extraordinary student.

Other people who can author recommendation letters are the director of the graduate school, the head of a research project, and the head of a volunteer program. In other words, it is almost any person who stands both for academic and administrative positions. Anyone considered powerful enough in your educational institution is suitable to write the letter. The author’s institutional position is vital, so it is indicated in the letter header.

How do I Request a Recommendation?

You can request any of the persons mentioned above to write a letter of recommendation. To let the professor or assistant understand what information should be included, provide them with your CV, application for admission, and information about the school or graduate school program. These documents help the author make the best recommendation and link your past and current achievements to the prospects for the academic program. Using these details, the writer can present a portfolio that meets the requirements of the school.

The student can take care of a good recommendation in advance. It does not mean that you need to be an upstart for the sake of the letter. However, when in the classroom, remember that classroom work is essential not just for the current learning process but also for your future. A good relationship with the professor will help to get a truthful nursing student letter of recommendation.

What Information Does the Nursing Letter of Recommendation Provide?

As we have already noted, the letter of recommendation can be a decisive factor to accept or reject an applicant. Therefore, the author of the letter should carefully consider all the points of the content. Since this letter characterizes the applicant, it should include a list of positive qualities and prove their prospects in school or graduate school. However, the letter should not be like a piece of fiction writing on “how excellent my student is.” Below, we will look at the key points and their purpose.

In terms of content, the nursing character reference letter contains two parts, namely identification and informational. The identification data includes the applicant’s full name, the name and address of the institution where they study, the author’s name and their contact details, and the calendar date of the letter compilation. Please be sure that you have specified the full legal names. Even if you work at a well-known college or school, avoid abbreviations and colloquialisms.

The information or content part concerns the academic achievements and prospects of the medical school applicant. Reveal the relationship between the author and the applicant, that is, how long you have known each other. List the achievements of the person you are writing about and the unique traits that make them competitive. Describe the results of their previous academic work. Highlight their progress over the years of training under your guidance and convincingly prove their potential for the future.

Conclude the description with an indication of the reasons why the applicant will undoubtedly succeed. Provide facts, refer to certificates, and mention internships to confirm your theses. Remember that the recommendation should be comprehensive. As the University of Washington campus website states, a good recommendation letter reveals academic achievement, while a great one also demonstrates the student’s personal qualities. The next

section of this article describes how to present the points mentioned above in the letter’s main body.

How to Write a Recommendation for Medical School

Structurally speaking, the letter contains three parts: the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion. Besides, do not forget to specify such formalities as the header and signature. Let us look at these points step by step.

1. Letterhead

Enter the full name of the author of the message. Provide information about the educational institution.

2. Introduction

Salute the reader and outline your position in the educational institution. Specify your role and department. Briefly introduce the applicant, indicating their current status and the nature of your relationship. Also, specify how long you have known each other.

3. Main Body

This part usually consists of two paragraphs. Generally, the first covers the student’s academic achievements, while the second reveals their personal characteristics.

In the first paragraph, specify the student’s grades and internships, if any. Demonstrate their progress during the training and qualities that led them to success, confirming continuous academic development. This paragraph covers more general information, while the following one details the data.

In the second paragraph, specify the character traits that help the student deal with tasks and cooperate with classmates and teachers. Show the student’s perseverance in achieving academic goals, their organizational and leadership skills. Give examples of cases when the student participated in the organization of school events and describe why your student is an ideal candidate for the nurse’s position.

In both paragraphs, provide anecdotes confirming your thesis, as well as the names of certificates, internships, and other achievements. Your goal in this part is to prove your student’s uniqueness and peculiarity and their prospects in the academic field. Use the usual rhetorical scheme when the thesis is accompanied by an anecdote that confirms the statement.

4. Conclusion

Summarize the key points of your comments above. Emphasize the connection of the student’s education and experience with the academic program for admission. Specify your phone number and email address and state that you are ready to provide additional information, if necessary.

5. Verification

Affix your signature and the date when you wrote the letter.

Dos and Don’ts

Before we get to the sample recommendations for nurses, let us pin down what to do and avoid when writing the letter.

It would help if you did the following:

  • Follow the structure of the letter
  • Confirm theses with arguments
  • Write only facts that concern the student
  • Be polite about the admissions committee
  • Show your personal attitude to the applicant

You should avoid:

  • Unreliable or unverifiable information
  • Providing data about students that you do not know very well
  • Literary narrative lacking a structure

Now you can use sample letters of recommendation for nurses to make an application. Remember that you can adjust the paragraphs under the college or university requirements where the applicant enters.

Samples of Recommendation Letter for Nursing Students

Recommendation Letter for a Nursing Student

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am proud to recommend ___________ (full applicant’s name), who is applying for admission to the ___________ (name of the university) University’s nursing program. I have taught them in the four courses during ___________ (duration, for example, term(s) or academic year(s)). Along this time, they have shown outstanding academic ability and hard work.

As ___________’s (applicant’s name) teacher, I have witnessed their passion for subjects related to family medicine and child health. To this, they attended courses ___________ (list the subjects that are related to the student’s future specialization). ___________ (applicant’s name) has been an active participant in nursing seminars, which (he or she) has always carefully prepared for in advance. In ___________ (specify the dates) (he or she) spoke at a student panel discussion with a report on ___________ (indicate the topic). (He or She) prepared a report for the ___________ conference (name the conference) and made a presentation on ___________ (specify the date).

I do not know a more hardworking and patient person than ___________ (applicant’s name). I have always admired (his or her) compassion and empathy for patients. These qualities, however, do not prevent (him or her) from strictly and carefully compiling medical records. Diligence and ___________ (name other positive personal attributes) make (him or her) an outstanding student who is willing to learn constantly.

___________’s (applicant’s name) dedication and kindness make (him or her) worthy of your nursing program. I am deeply convinced that (he or she) will make a meaningful and crucial contribution if accepted. I am ready to provide you with more information about ___________’s (applicant’s name) academic achievements, so do not hesitate to contact me via ___________ (your phone number) or ___________ (email address).

Recommendation Letter for Nurse Practitioner

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter confidently recommends ___________ (full applicant’s name), who has worked as a nurse practitioner at ___________ (name the institution) under my supervision for ___________ (specify the term). During this time, (he or she) has shown professionalism and empathy towards patients, which is a rare combination.

___________ (applicant’s name) is the most hardworking and involved person I have ever supervised. (He or She) makes creative and intelligent use of the high-quality education (he or she) acquired at ___________ (name the college or university). (He or She) always finds a solution in difficult situations (provide an anecdote). ___________ (applicant’s name) desire to develop and study medical cases in detail is overwhelming. During (his or her) work, (he or she) had an internship ___________ (specify the name, duration, and location) regarding nursing issues.

___________ (applicant’s name) is always able to find a personal approach to the patient, making (his or her) stay in the clinic not only productive but also pleasant. The quality of (his or her) work is proven with practice since patients know (him or her) and seek (his or her) services. I will not exaggerate if I say that ___________ (applicant’s name) is in some way the face of our clinic.

I am sad to see ___________ (applicant’s name) leave our clinic, but I confidently recommend (him or her) for any nursing position as they deserve it. At (his or her) current job, (he or she) has established (himself or herself) as a brilliant, responsible, and executive employee. I am convinced that having (him or her) as a member of your staff will be a valuable asset. If you would like to know more, please call ___________ (your phone number) or email ___________ (email address) me.

Recommendation Letter for Nursing Graduate School

Knowing your graduate program as having high academic standards with a personal approach to students, I recommend ___________ (full applicant’s name) for admission. I have known (him or her) as (his or her) teacher for ___________ (specify the term) at ___________ (name the university). (He or she)  is, forsooth, the most talented student in the class.

Throughout (him or her) training, ___________ (applicant’s name) maintained a consistently high learning score. (He or she) attended additional electives related to nursing, such as ___________ (name the courses and specify the number of credits). (He or she)  also took part in conferences within our university and other educational institutions. These are such events as ___________ (list the names of conferences and panel discussions and specify the dates). During the practical classes, ___________ (applicant’s name) proved to be capable of applying theoretical knowledge appropriately.

___________ (applicant’s name) knows how to keep (his or her) cool and works well under pressure, which is a valuable quality for a nurse. (He or she)  is a calm and patient person who can find a solution quickly when it is necessary. ___________ (applicant’s name) has a sound mind and never panics. Despite (his or her)  high workload, (he or she) always helps classmates and colleagues who are stuck in their endeavors.

With (his or her) outstanding abilities in mind, I strongly recommend ___________ (applicant’s name) for your program. I am sure that (his or her) graduate training will give our medicine a highly educated worker, whether they are a theorist or a practitioner after that. I am ready to tell you more about ___________ (applicant’s name), so if you have any questions, please send them to the email ___________ (point out address) or call me by phone ___________ (specify the number).

Key takeaways

As you can see, a letter of recommendation for a nurse is a paper that has a balance between personal and formal. On the one hand, you should follow a structure that will help you present your opinion succinctly and consistently. On the other hand, this document does not assume a universal formal language, as in tax returns. The author is supposed to improvise within certain limits. Use bright adjectives and precise characteristics that are memorable. Be sure to provide anecdotes; otherwise, the narrative will not be convincing enough!

If you are a student, provide your professor with your application and all the information on the program. If you are a professor, talk to the student before writing a recommendation to get more up-to-date information about their academic goals. The same applies to the supervisor or employer writing a letter of recommendation for a nurse.

Published: Aug 3, 2022

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Write a strong introduction. ... .
Talk about their skills and qualifications. ... .
Provide specific examples that highlight their skills. ... .
End with a strong conclusion..

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Conclude your letter..

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Always start with the date..
State who you are recommending and what you are recommending them for..
Describe how long you know the person and in what capacity..
State their best qualities..
Give details about the person's character, morals, and values..

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An introduction that identifies who you are, your relationship to the student, and how long you've known them..
Your general observations and thoughts about the student's academic strengths, personal qualities, and readiness for college..


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