Is a masters degree in psychology worth it

Anyone looking to obtain a master’s in psychology will most likely want to make sure that it’s the right choice for him or her. After all, this course entails two years of full time study and it is not only time consuming, but also challenging, so it is important for graduate students to be sure that this is what they want to commit themselves to for the next couple of years. What is more, this course often entails an internship, many of which pay nothing or next-to-nothing, so students will need to be able to fund their studies and their work. The good news, however, is that this course is also extremely rewarding, which is why students are lining up around the proverbial block to be admitted into these programs.

1. It Is Challenging

Anyone who has completed four years of a psychology undergraduate class must like a challenge, otherwise they would have quit long ago. A master’s degree is yet another challenge, and while it might be somewhat daunting, it is also thrilling. It is at this stage that students begin to put a little of what they have learned into practice, whether this is during their internship or in their research.

2. A Rewarding Career Path

Many people enter into the field of psychology to help people, and one way to do this is with a master’s degree. This qualification allows individuals to register with the American Psychological Association and begin practicing as a certified psychologist. Of course, not everyone is looking to give back to their communities, but those that do will find that psychology is a great avenue to accomplish that.

3. Financial Resources Are Available

Those who are thinking about the struggle they will have to go through to complete their master’s will be happy to know that many institutions and private organizations offer financial resources to those who are struggling to pay for their tuition, and even their living expenses.

4. It Makes You Eligible For a PhDh2

In order to be able to complete a PhD, you will need to first earn your master’s degree. While not everyone chooses this career path, those that do will need to make sure that they will be eligible for it later on in their educational career.

5. Variety of Career Options

Those who have a master’s in psychology are often able to apply for a broad range of positions in the professional world. Some people go on to become sports psychologists, while others opt to work in rehabilitation centers. This variety is appealing to individuals who enjoy the field but aren’t certain about the specific position they want to take up to start their careers.

6. Work From Home

Many psychologists practice right out of their homes, and this is something that appeals to anyone who doesn’t want to make the morning commute to the office. These psychologists are generally therapists who work with individual patients, or alternatively, with couples, and they tend to have a designated area within their home where they see their patients.

7. Freelance

With a master’s degree, individuals can work as consultants for corporations, governmental organizations or even educational institutions.

8. Familiarize Yourself With Human Behavior

One of the more exciting facets of obtaining a master’s in psychology is that this can actually help individuals in understanding the intricacies of human behavior. This knowledge can often be applied to a person’s own environment and allow them to create positive changes where they are necessary.

9. Think Critically

As with many master’s programs, a master’s in psychology actually teaches individuals to think critically, regardless of the situation. This sort of thinking is important for those students who are considering going on to obtain a doctoral degree because it plays an important role in research, but it is integral throughout their studies.

10. Job Prospects Are Sound

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field of psychology is expected to see a 22% increase in opportunities for employment between the present time and 2020. Individuals who have a master’s degree will be able to apply for higher paying positions within their field, and stand a better chance of being hired over someone with a bachelor’s degree.

11. Great Salary Potential

Another of the great benefits of entering into this field is that psychologists tend to earn good money. According to recent statistics, the median salary for someone in the field of psychology is currently more than $64,000. Those who have an undergraduate psychology degree, in comparison, have a median earning average of about $33,000.

12. Work Your Own Hours

Depending on the type of position you opt for, you might be able to pick your own working hours. This is especially true of professionals who want to run their own private practice, as well as those who opt to start careers as consultants.

13. Teach Undergraduates

Many people who obtain a master’s degree opt to go into a teaching setting, although this is generally only possible with a higher degree. Many master’s graduates opt to start teaching while they are completing their PhD, while others opt to remain in these positions indefinitely. This is a rewarding job opportunity.

14. Work With People

The field of psychology is all about people. This is the study of the mind, and as such, individuals within this field will rarely work without people. Still, some psychologists work one-on-one with people, while others simply work with the data obtained from research participants. Those who enjoy working with people will find that this career is a great way to accomplish this.

15. A Respected Career

Lastly, psychology is a respected career and anyone looking to join the ranks of this profession will require a master’s degree.

The field of psychology is challenging, daunting, inspiring and exhilarating. Individuals within this field can expect to work hard, although they can also expect many rewards from the efforts that they put in. Anyone considering a master’s in this field should keep that in mind.

Which masters of psychology pays most?

Psychiatrist. Psychiatry is one of the highest-paying fields tied to psychology. However, salaries can vary considerably within this field depending upon your specialty area, where you are employed, and the type of work you perform.

Is MA in psychology difficult?

The field of psychology is challenging, daunting, inspiring and exhilarating. Individuals within this field can expect to work hard, although they can also expect many rewards from the efforts that they put in. Anyone considering a master's in this field should keep that in mind.

Which is better MA psychology or MSc psychology?

An MSc degree is likely to be more focused on research and the sciences, while an MA may be more focused on the arts and humanities aspects of psychology.


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