How to send mass email without showing other recipients outlook


  • 1 What does Gmail mail merge do?
  • 2 How to use Gmail mail merge in Saleshandy?
  • 3 How to send mass emails without showing addresses?
  • 4 Conclusion

When you are sending a mass email, as a sender, two things are your primary concern: 

  • Dodging the spam folder
  • Hiding recipients from other email addresses

The latter not only looks unprofessional but creates an unpleasant first impression. If you use the traditional (BCC and CC) method to send your mass emails, every recipient can see the other email addresses.

There are chances your email gets ignored by these recipients as they’ll think of you as another company sending promotional mass emails.

Using the professional method (mail merge), sending mass emails is much easier and hides other email addresses from the recipient. In this blog, we will discuss the professional method in detail. 

What does Gmail mail merge do?

Mail merge works with Gmail as well as Outlook. It is an anti-sleaze weapon right off the Gmail press that lets you fire off a couple of customized emails to recipients.

Armed with a list of recipients in a Google Spreadsheet and an email template, you can easily send personalized emails to each of the addresses in one go.

This mail merge method works smoothly with an email outreach tool. Without taking much time, you can easily create and send mass emails without showing addresses. Saleshandy is one of the apt tools to do this task.

How to use Gmail mail merge in Saleshandy?

Saleshandy is an email outreach tool. In the Saleshandy dashboard, you find all the features to send an effective cold email campaign (sequence) using mail merge. 

From personalizing your emails, adding follow-up (step) to getting an email campaign (sequence) report, it’s all in one dashboard. Using this tool, you can get more done in less time.

When you start your email campaign (sequence), you are not only interested in knowing the email open rate but need more information/data to understand the recipient’s behavior.  

Unfortunately, Gmail’s traditional approach (BCC and CC method) has certain limitations. Plus, the recipient can see the other email addresses as well.

But, thanks to the evolution of the tech space, you can easily do this task. Using Saleshandy, you can send mass personalized emails from your Gmail account. And, of course, without showing all the email addresses to your recipient. 

5 steps to send emails without showing address

Step 1: Sign-up to Saleshandy

Step 2: Connect your Saleshandy account to Gmail

Step 3: Create a sequence & compose your email

Step 4: Add your prospects list

Step 5: Activate your sequence

Step 1: Sign-up to Saleshandy
You will first need to create an account to access the Saleshandy dashboard. It takes less than two minutes to do it.

Step 2: Connect your Saleshandy account to Gmail 
Now, it is time to connect your account to Gmail. During sign-up, instead of registering, you opted to continue with Google; you can skip this. But if you haven’t, follow these steps. Go to Settings > Email Accounts > Add Email Account 

After selecting your Gmail account, the Gmail account will appear on the Saleshandy dashboard. 

Step 3: Create a sequence & compose your email
After successfully connecting your account, it is time to compose an email. Head to the sequence tab from the left side and click on Create Sequence. 

Now, start drafting the email the way you like, and don’t forget to add the merge tags. After composing your email, click on save, and your sequence is ready. 

Step 4: Add your prospects list
Here you will have to add the prospects to whom you want to send this email sequence. Head to the prospects tab from sequence. And click on Add Prospects. You can either import a CSV file or search & add.

Saleshandy follows an email verification process when you upload your prospects. You get the number of valid and invalid email addresses. You can skip the invalid emails from the list and continue your sequence.

Step 5: Activate your sequence
After finishing the above 4 steps, your email sequence is ready to be sent. Click on the top-right Paused button to activate your sequence. 

Pro-tip- Always add an unsubscribe link

It is a good practice to add an unsubscribe link as:

  • It builds trust with your recipients.
  • It decreases the likelihood of your sequence getting spammed.

In Saleshandy, you can add an unsubscribe link. Head to the settings tab from your sequence and activate the use unsubscribe link in emails. You can also select the unsubscribe message. 

You can check the performance of your sequence from the reports tab. Based on the sequence performance, you can plan your next email. You get the following data from the reports dashboard:

  • Emails sent
  • Opened
  • Clicked 
  • Replied 
  • Bounced 
  • Unsubscribed

Watch a video guide

Benefits of using Saleshandy

  • It saves a lot of time compared to the traditional method, where you have to add each recipient manually.
  • Get analytics of your email sequence that will help you plan better. In the traditional method, you only get a read receipt.  
  • Advanced features to boost your mass email campaign (sequence). Whereas in the traditional approach, you can’t do much. Just add the recipient, draft the email, and send it.  
  • Add follow-up (step) in your sequence. You can add up to 49 follow-ups (steps). For example- You can add a follow-up (step) for the prospects who have not replied to your email.


Using Saleshandy, you can perform this task more effectively. As it not only hides the recipient but also delivers your emails to the primary inbox.

Now, you perfectly know how to send mass emails in Gmail without showing email address. So why wait? Create your sequence in Saleshandy and send your emails. 


How do I send a mass email and hide recipients?

To send a mass email and hide recipients in Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Sign-up to Saleshandy
  2. Connect your Saleshandy account to Gmail 
  3. Create a sequence & compose your email 
  4. Add your prospects list 
  5. Activate your sequence

Can BCC recipients see each other?

They cannot. BCC’d recipients will be able to view the email but will not be able to see who else has received it. The sender is the only one who can view everyone.

What happens if someone replies all to a BCC?

If a BCC recipient selects reply all, the reply is sent to the original sender, and all other recipients are CCed.

How do I send a mass email without everyone seeing each other's email outlook?

It's a very easy way to hide the recipients and every popular email client offers the BCC option. BCC is short for 'Blank Carbon Copy'. Recipients of these emails will be able to see all the 'To:' and 'CC:' recipients. Today, most people use the BCC option when they want to send out a mass email and hide recipients.

Can you send out a mass email without showing all recipients?

Create the email and then start to input the email addresses you want to send it to in the BCC. The BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy. That means no one can see who the email is going to. When you send the message, it will be sent to all of the people in your BCC.

How do I send an email to multiple recipients without showing addresses?

Click on the "BCC" field in the top section of the draft window. Also called blind carbon copy, you can input every recipient's email address into this Gmail field, divided by commas. Performing this step allows you to hide each address fully. Compose your message and press the "Send" button.

Is there a way to send a mass email individually outlook?

Send an email to multiple recipient separately with Mail Merge feature. In fact, the Mail Merge feature in Outlook can help you to send the same email to multiple recipients individually with their own greeting.


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