How to see who favorited your instagram post

Despite using the app regularly you may not be aware of a sneaky trick which allows you to figure out how many people have saved your pictures on Instagram.

To do this you need to switch to an Instagram Business Profile. Go to Settings and tap the ‘Switch to Business Profile’ tab where you will be connected to a Facebook business page and simply choose a category for your profile.

Instagram to hide your likes

You will be asked to provide basic information such as an email address, phone number or personal address.

Once all this is done you can move on to check who saved your photo by tapping on the ‘View Insights’ option. Instagram will give you a breakdown of the number of times the photo has been saved.

The option also enables you to check how many users it has reached and the number of profile visits you have received because of the photo.

This feature is extremely useful for influencers who can easily check which photo was a hit amongst their followers.

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“With a professional account, you'll be able to access business features and Instagram Insights. These tools can help you understand who is engaging with your business on Instagram,” explained Instagram.

“You also have the option to display or hide your business category and contact information on your profile.”

However, If you no longer wish to continue with a business profile you can easily switch back to a personal profile any time.

This article originally published on Mirror UK.


There is no foolproof method to find out who on Instagram has chosen to highlight your photos as a favourite.

Nevertheless, there are a few things you may attempt to perform in order to find out what the problem is.

One option available to you is to look at the alerts you have.

If you have notifications turned on, you will be notified whenever someone likes or comments on one of your posts.

From the notification list, you will be able to see who among your followers has liked them.


Is there a method to see the users who have bookmarked your Instagram post?

You may check to see who has bookmarked your Instagram post if you use the app. Open the post, and then press the three dots that are located in the upper right corner of the screen. This will take you to a list of individuals who have bookmarked your post. To save your changes, first click “View Insights,” then “Saved.”

Is it possible for someone to see whether you liked their Instagram picture or not?

If a user has notifications enabled for their account, they will be able to see when another user has chosen to highlight one of their posts as a favourite.

Can you tell if someone saves your Instagram pictures?

Yes, you can detect if someone saves your Instagram images. You will be able to find out who has downloaded your photo by going to the “Options” menu on a picture and selecting the “Share Settings” option from there.

Where can I see a list of all of my Instagram collections?

When you launch the Instagram app, locate the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen and press the magnifying glass symbol to access your collections. The search bar will appear once you do this. Select “Collections” by first tapping the three horizontal lines located in the upper left corner of the search bar. This will bring up a list of all of your collections in the next window.

How can I check to see who has bookmarked a post?

When you open a post on Facebook, search for a section labelled “Saved” that is located underneath the main post. This will tell you who has saved the post. This will bring up a list of users who have bookmarked the post for later viewing.

Are one’s Instagram collections available to the public?

Even though Instagram collections are visible to anybody who uses the app, you have the option to restrict access to just yourself by setting them to private.

When you click the “Like” button on a post, what happens?

When you disapprove of a post and click the “Unlike” button, the post will be deleted from your News Feed. No notification will be sent to the user who originally uploaded the information.

What should you do in the event that you inadvertently like another user’s post?

If you unintentionally like a post that someone else has made on social media, there is no need to get worked up about it. Take a few slow, deep breaths, and then proceed with the following steps: Delete the like. Make amends with the individual. You should explain that you didn’t intend to enjoy it and that you’re sorry that you did like it by accident. Get over it.

How do you conceal unintentional likes on Instagram?

In the event that you have ever liked a picture on Instagram inadvertently, you may be curious about how to conceal the like from other users. Sadly, there is no option inside the software itself to do this action directly. Nevertheless, there are a few different ways that you may get around this problem. Getting rid of the like before anybody else sees it is one possibility. You also have the option of making your account private, in which case only authorised followers will be able to see your likes.

On Instagram, how can you tell whether you inadvertently liked someone or anything else’s post?

There are a few different techniques to determine whether or not you have liked anything on Instagram inadvertently. One option is to search for a mark that looks like two checks next to the post. This shows that the post was enjoyed by more than one user at the same time. It is conceivable that you clicked the “like” button inadvertently if you do not see a checkmark that seems to be double checked. Checking the activity log on your device is yet another method.

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