How to lower high fasting blood sugar

You may not need meds to get a better handle on your blood sugar.Getty Images

It’s the Holy Grail for people with diabetes: Checking your blood sugar and seeing the numbers right in line. Can lifestyle changes help? Yes, says Jill Weisenberger, RDN, a diabetes nutrition expert based in Newport News, Virginia.

If you have diabetes, lowering blood sugar isn’t just a short-term goal — according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it helps prevent or delay diabetes complications, including heart, kidney, eye, and nerve diseases. It can change the course of the disease entirely.

“It's 100 percent important that [people with type 2 diabetes] try and lower their blood sugars through dietary approaches first,” says Jessica Crandall Snyder, RD, CDCES, with Vital RD in Denver. “For some people, it not only can be preventive, but it can also help with reversal of the actual disease.”

Crandall Snyder says making a few key lifestyle changes can sometimes eliminate the need for medication. “Poking yourself with insulin isn't fun,” she says. “Diabetes is a progressive disease, and you really have to figure out how to take control.”

Here are 10 ways to do it, no prescriptions required.

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Avocado Salad With Ginger-Tamari Dressing

Here's a refreshing salad that you can have ready in a matter of minutes, using San-J Tamari. The recipe has a variety of textures, from the crunchy cucumber to the cool and creamy avocado. San-J Tamari Organic Soy Sauce has a richer and more complex taste than typical soy sauce — and it's non-GMO and gluten-free!

contains  Soy






1 tbsp San-J Organic Tamari Soy Sauce

2 tsp fresh lemon juice

1 tsp fresh ginger, grated

1 clove garlic, grated

Water, as needed

1 large bunch cilantro, chopped

2 mini cucumbers, thinly sliced

2 green onions, thinly sliced

2 avocados, sliced



Add San-J Organic Tamari Soy Sauce, lemon juice, ginger, garlic, and water to a medium bowl.


Whisk dressing together and set aside.


On a large serving plate, scatter cilantro first, followed by the cucumbers, green onions, avocado slices, and finally the dressing.


Serve immediately.

Nutrition Facts

Amount per serving


Soy, Diabetes-Friendly, Heart-Healthy, Mediterranean, Gluten-free, Vegetarian, Vegan, High-Fiber, Quick & Easy, Lunch

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1. Keep an Eye on Your Carb Intake


Paying attention to carbohydrates is important for people with type 2 diabetes. “Carbs are what cause your blood sugars to potentially fluctuate,” Crandall Snyder says.

How many carbs per meal is ideal? “It’s tailored to each individual,” says Weisenberger. How much you exercise, your weight, and your age can all affect how long sugars stay in your system, according to the CDC. A typical starting point for people with diabetes is to limit carb intake to 200 to 245 grams (g) per day, which amounts to about one-half of your daily calories coming from carbs, according to the CDC. From there, make adjustments according to your blood glucose readings or as recommended by a dietitian, Crandall Snyder says.

And keep in mind that carbs aren’t only found in the usual culprits, like bread, potatoes, and pasta. They are also in fruits, vegetables, sweets, and dairy, so you have to take all of those into consideration as well, Crandall Snyder says.

RELATED: 8 Fruits That Are Good for People With Diabetes

2. Avoid Eating Large Meals

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One way to keep carbs under control is by eating in moderation. “I always tell my patients to spread their food out over the day,” Weisenberger says. “Don’t eat small meals to save up for a big dinner.” Feeding your body throughout the day helps regulate your blood sugar levels and prevents highs and lows, Crandall Snyder says.

Both Weisenberger and Crandall Snyder say to keep an eye on carbs, even while snacking. “Classically, less than 15 g of carbs per snack is a good standard approach,” Crandall Snyder says. That’s about what’s found in 1 cup of fruit, she says.

3. Fill Up on Fiber


Fiber is another nutrient you’ll want to keep an eye on for blood sugar management, but in this case, the more the better! It can help stabilize your blood sugars, Crandall Snyder says. It also plays a role in weight management and can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a review published in September 2017 in Advances in Obesity Weight Management & Control.

Fiber plays a preventative role, too. Studies have found that high-fiber diets can reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes by 15 to 19 percent compared to low-fiber diets, according to a March 2018 study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine.

You’ll find fiber in plant foods such as raspberries, peas, and whole grains, according to the Mayo Clinic. Beans are another good source of fiber. People with type 2 diabetes who ate at least a cup of legumes (beans, chickpeas, and lentils) daily for three months had lower blood glucose levels as measured by the A1C test, according to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. (A1C is a way to measure your average blood glucose levels over a three-month period, according to MedlinePlus.) Beans also are an excellent source of folate, which is linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, a common diabetes complication, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Men should aim for 30 to 38 g of fiber per day, and women should eat 21 to 25 g per day, according to the Mayo Clinic.

RELATED: 7 Healthy Meal Tips for People With Type 2 Diabetes

4. Get More Quality Shuteye

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Poor or limited sleep affects body chemistry, and getting more slumber helps with blood sugar control, Weisenberger says. Chronic lack of sleep may contribute to the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a small study published in Diabetologia in February 2015. Healthy volunteers who slept only four hours for three nights in a row had higher levels of fatty acids in their blood, which reduced insulin’s ability to regulate blood sugar by about 23 percent, the researchers found. Lack of sleep is also linked with other health conditions, including obesity, heart disease, and stroke, according to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends aiming for seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.

Having sleep troubles? Follow these recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation:

  • Sleep in a cool, dark room.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol or caffeine in the hours before bed.
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on the weekends.
  • Don’t look at screens for at least a half hour before bedtime, including TV, tablets, cell phones, and computers.

5. Lose a Little Weight

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Staying hydrated is an easy way to stay in control of your blood sugar levels. A previous study found the more water study participants drank, the less likely they were to develop high blood sugar. More specifically, the study found people who drank less than ½ liter of water per day were at increased risk of developing blood sugar issues.

The idea is that water helps flush glucose out of the body. “Having a glass of water can be really helpful in essentially diluting your blood sugar and lowering your blood sugar in a healthy way,” Crandall Snyder says.

7. Get a Handle on Stress

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When you’re stressed out, your blood sugar tends to rise, Crandall Snyder says. According to the Diabetes Teaching Center at the University of California in San Francisco, when you’re stressed, insulin levels fall, certain hormones rise, and more glucose is released from the liver, which ends up in the blood stream and can cause disruptions for up to eight hours.

How can you burn off tension? Yoga and meditation can help people lower their blood sugar levels, Weisenberger says. A December 2014 study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science involving 27 nursing students and found a combination of yoga and meditation practiced for one hour once a week led to reduced levels of stress and lower blood glucose levels after 12 weeks.

Crandall Snyder also suggests taking a few deep breaths, going for a walk, playing with your dog for a few minutes, or listening to a fun song. Basically “whatever you can do to distract yourself for a few minutes and just lower your breathing rate” will help, she says. Indeed, the CDC notes that less water in your body is liked with a higher blood sugar concentration.

RELATED: Is Stress the Source of Your Blood Sugar Swings?

8. Never Skip Eating Breakfast

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We’ve all heard that breakfast is the day’s most important meal. This is especially true for those who have diabetes. “I think eating breakfast is important, especially with potential risk for hypoglycemia and avoiding potential highs related to fasting for too long a period of time,” Crandall Snyder says.

A high-protein breakfast has an edge over breakfasts that are high in carbohydrates, according to research from The University of Missouri-Columbia. In the research, women ages 18 to 55 consumed meals with similar calories, fat, and fiber contents — but differing amounts of protein. Researchers monitored the amount of glucose and insulin in the participants’ blood for four hours after they ate breakfast. The best breakfasts contained 39 g of protein and led to lower post-meal glucose spikes than the meals with less protein, the researchers found.

Besides, eating breakfast may help overweight people with type 2 diabetes shed extra pounds. Of the participants in the National Weight Control Registry who maintained at least a 30-pound weight loss for at least one year, 78 percent said they eat breakfast daily.

9. Add More Resistant Starch to Your Plate

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Resistant starch — found in some potatoes and beans — bypasses the small intestine and ferments in the large intestine, which means it doesn’t raise glucose levels and promotes the growth of good bacteria in the body, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. “It’s a fiber-filled starch and helps with glycemic control,” says Joelle Malinowski, RD, a certified diabetes care and education specialist with Ellis Medicine in Schenectady, New York. And the effect will last through your next meal, Weisenberger says. “It’s called the ‘second-meal effect,’” she says.

Interestingly, resistant starch can change with heat, and some foods, like rice, are higher in resistant starch when cooked and cooled than when cooked and served warm, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Resistant starches are also found in:

  • Plantains and unripe bananas
  • Beans, peas, and lentils
  • Whole grains, including oats and barley

Just be sure to keep carb count in mind when incorporating foods with resistant starch into your diet.

10. Ramp Up Your Movement Each Day

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How can I quickly lower my fasting blood sugar?

When your blood sugar level gets too high — known as hyperglycemia or high blood glucose — the quickest way to reduce it is to take fast-acting insulin. Exercising is another fast, effective way to lower blood sugar. In some cases, you should go to the hospital instead of handling it at home.

Why is my fasting glucose high?

If you have high fasting blood glucose numbers, it may be because of how your body is using the hormones involved with glucose and diabetes—not the nighttime snack before bed. If you have diabetes, you're probably tuned in to your body's blood glucose (AKA blood sugar) levels, and how they change throughout the day.

What foods can lower blood sugar quickly?

The 17 Best Foods to Lower (or Regulate) Your Blood Sugar.
Broccoli and broccoli sprouts. Sulforaphane is a type of isothiocyanate that has blood-sugar-reducing properties. ... .
Seafood. ... .
Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds. ... .
Nuts and nut butter. ... .
Okra. ... .
Flax seeds. ... .
Beans and lentils. ... .
Kimchi and sauerkraut..


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