How to lock screen on iphone xr while watching video

We know from expe­ri­ence that all sorts of bad things can hap­pen when a child exits a kid-friend­ly app. From gar­bled text mes­sages and reset iOS set­tings to sur­prise piz­za deliv­er­ies and even $200 in acci­den­tal pur­chas­es, the poten­tial for your child to get into trou­ble seems lim­it­less. Thank­ful­ly, Apple offers an acces­si­bil­i­ty-relat­ed tool called Guid­ed Access.

Guid­ed Access gives par­ents the pow­er to restrict their child to access­ing and using a sin­gle app. By set­ting up this fea­ture, you get to decide what you want your child to inter­act with on the iPhone or iPad and make every­thing else off-lim­its unless they come to you for per­mis­sion. In this resource, we’ll teach you how to use Guid­ed Access to your advan­tage. You’ll also learn more advanced tips for restrict­ing your child’s move­ments. So, let’s get started!

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How to Restrict Your Child to an App with Guided Access

We cre­at­ed a video demon­stra­tion of how to set up and use Guid­ed Access on your iPhone with Jel­lies as an exam­ple. While we focus on the iPhone in this demon­stra­tion, the process for set­ting up Guid­ed Access on your iPad is very sim­i­lar. You can watch the video above or fol­low these writ­ten instruc­tions to set up Guid­ed Access on your device:

  • Step 1: Locate the Set­tings icon in your iPhone. Tap to enter.
  • Step 2: Select Gen­er­al” and then Acces­si­bil­i­ty.”
  • Step 3: Scroll to the bot­tom of the screen and tap Guid­ed Access.”
  • Step 4: Tog­gle Guid­ed Access to on. (TIP: You can also set up a pass­word here to make it even more dif­fi­cult for your child to acci­den­tal­ly turn off Guid­ed Access. Tap Pass­word Set­tings” to input your pre­ferred, four-dig­it pass­word. Don’t for­get it!)
  • Step 5: Return to the home screen by press­ing the Home but­ton on your iPhone.
  • Step 6: Tap into the app you want your child to use. Make sure the app is ready for your child. For exam­ple, if you want­ed your child to only watch his or her videos in Jel­lies, you would need to select Kids Mode” to open the video player.
  • Step 7: Tap the Home but­ton three times to start Guid­ed Access mode.
  • Step 8: When your child is fin­ished using the app, tap the Home but­ton three times. You’ll be asked to input your pass­word if you set that up earlier.
  • Step 9: Tap End” to dis­able Guid­ed Access. You now can use your iPhone and all your apps like normal. 

Bonus tip: You can use your fin­ger­print instead of a pass­code to turn off Guid­ed Access. This is espe­cial­ly use­ful if you already use Touch ID to unlock your iPhone or iPad and hate hav­ing to remem­ber pass­codes. In order to use Touch ID with Guid­ed Access, you’ll need to first set up Touch ID on your device. Then, instead of select­ing a pass­code in the Guid­ed Access set­tings, sim­ply opt to use Touch ID.

Control What Your Child Can Do in the App

Guid­ed Access offers oth­ers ways to fur­ther reg­u­late your child’s iPhone and iPad expe­ri­ence. Here are a few more tips if you want to dive deep­er into deter­min­ing what your chil­dren can and can’t do on your device using Guid­ed Access.

You can enable the fol­low­ing options in the Guid­ed Access Options screen. To get there, open the app you want your child to use and tap the Home but­ton three times to turn on Guid­ed Access. Then tap the Home but­ton three more times and tap Options” in the low­er left corner.

Dis­able Sleep Mode: If your device is set up to go to sleep after a cer­tain num­ber of min­utes, you can bypass that in Guid­ed Access mode. This is use­ful if your child is locked inside a video app and prefers to watch with­out reg­u­lar­ly touch­ing the screen. Keep in mind, how­ev­er, that this will drain your bat­tery faster than usu­al. To dis­able Sleep Mode, make sure the Sleep/​Wake But­ton” is tog­gled on.

Lock the Vol­ume: You can pre­vent your child from turn­ing the vol­ume way up or down by tog­gling the Vol­ume But­tons” set­ting to off.

Turn off Motion: This option pre­vents your device’s screen fromchang­ing from land­scape to por­trait mode when your child turns the iPhone or iPad. Sim­ply tog­gle off Motion.”

Turn Off Key­boards: You can also pre­vent your child from access­ing any key­boards. This is use­ful when your child has access to an app with a search bar or oth­er fea­ture that requires a key­board to use. Be sure to tog­gle off Key­boards.”

Make Cer­tain Areas of an App Off-Lim­its: Guid­ed Access also allows you to des­ig­nate dif­fer­ent parts of an app as off-lim­its for your child. To do this, with Guid­ed Access start­ed tap the Home but­ton three times to get to the Guid­ed Access menu screen.

Guided Access menu screen

With your fin­ger, cir­cle the areas of the screen you want to mark off-lim­its for your child. For exam­ple, you can draw a cir­cle around the lock icon in the upper right cor­ner of the Jel­lies Kids Mode screen so that your child can­not tap that icon to return to Par­ents Mode. While Jel­lies Par­ents Mode is already locked down with a sim­ple math prob­lem, we know how smart some kids are. 

Turn Off Touch Entire­ly: Don’t want your child to tap on any­thing in the app? You can dis­able Touch to pre­vent your child from roam­ing to oth­er parts of the app or oth­er­wise inter­act­ing with the app. Just nav­i­gate to the Guid­ed Access Set­tings screen and tog­gle off Touch.”

Set a Time Limit with Guided Access

Guid­ed Access also pro­vides an option to play a sound or speak how much time is remain­ing while your child is using your iPhone or iPad. Fol­low these steps to enable this feature:

  • Step 1: From the Home screen, tap Set­tings.”
  • Step 2: Select Gen­er­al.”
  • Step 3: Tap Acces­si­bil­i­ty.”
  • Step 4: Scroll to the bot­tom of the screen and select Guid­ed Access.”
  • Step 5: Tap Time Limits.”

In the Time Lim­its screen you can set up how the time lim­it fea­ture oper­ates with­in Guid­ed Access. You’ll want to choose a sound and whether you want a spo­ken time reminder. Fol­low these steps to turn on the time lim­it with­in Guid­ed Access:

  • Step 1: Go back to the Home screen and select which app you want your child to use. 
  • Step 2: Press the Home but­ton three times to enable Guid­ed Access.
  • Step 3: Press the Home but­ton three more times and input your pass­word (if you assigned one) to pull up the Guid­ed Access menu screen. 
  • Step 4: Tap Options” and tog­gle Time Lim­it to on
  • Step 5: Set the time and tap Done.
  • Step 6: Tap Resume and voila! Your iPhone will now play a sound when time is up.

iPhone Parental Controls Only Go So Far

Guid­ed Access offers a few key tools for par­ents who allow their chil­dren to use their iPhones. This fea­ture is even more effec­tive when you ensure that your child is inter­act­ing with an engag­ing, edu­ca­tion­al, kid-appro­pri­ate app like Jel­lies. While Guid­ed Access can help you pro­tect your child from oth­er, not-so-appro­pri­ate apps and web­sites, it can’t mon­i­tor the con­tent with­in the app your child is restrict­ed to. Learn about what kinds of kids con­tent, kids videos in par­tic­u­lar, are best for your child in What Kids Videos Are Right for My Child. You can also learn more about set­ting bound­aries and time lim­its for your child’s screen usage in How to Cre­ate Your Family’s Screen Plan.

Please feel free to reach out to us on Twit­ter and Face­book with any ques­tions about Jel­lies or set­ting up Guid­ed Access. Click here to down­load the Jel­lies app.

How do I lock the screen on my iPhone XR?

Press the Side button. Slide your finger upwards starting from the bottom of the screen. Press Display & Brightness. Press Auto-Lock.

How do I lock my screen on one app iPhone XR?

Here's how:.
Open up the Settings app..
Choose "Screen Time.".
Make sure Screen Time is enabled and a Screen Time passcode is set by choosing the "Use Screen Time Passcode" option..
Tap on App Limits and Tap on the Add Limit option..
Choose the category that you want. ... .
Tap on the app that you've picked and then tap Next..


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