How to hide stories from everyone on instagram

You are a very reserved person, and even if you have settled for recent web trends by subscribing to Instagram, it bothers you that all the people who follow you can see the content you post on the stories. Therefore, you would like to be able to adjust the privacy of your account and, in more detail, to know if there is a way to hide instagram story from everyone.

Don't worry, one way or another, I assure you that you will be successful in your attempt. Of course, it must be said that hiding your stories from all users is a bit contradictory, since the purpose of Instagram, like any other social network, is to interact and share with others. However, if you want, you can hide the stories you post, preventing some users from seeing them, or you can make the stories visible only to the people you select. However, to regulate the privacy of the account, you can make your profile be private or block users who annoy you.

With that said, over the course of this tutorial, I'll show you how to proceed to complete all the operations I just mentioned, acting both from Android as from iOS and from a PC, when possible. I bet you can't wait to start reading the tips I've put together for you, right? So let's go: sit comfortably in front of the computer and grab your smartphone: it will only take you a few minutes of free time to put into practice the solutions that I am about to offer you. Are you ready to start? Yep? Very well! At this point, all that is left for me is to wish you a good read and a good time!

  • Hide Instagram history to specific users
  • Share Instagram story only with close friends
  • Make the account private
  • Block Users

Hide Instagram history to specific users

If your intention is hide instagram story from everyone, you should know that the first way to do it is by taking advantage of the intrinsic functionality of the social network that allows you to hide the photos and videos published in the stories of some specific users.

For this you can act through the application. Instagram to Android es iOS or from your PC, using the Instagram application to Windows 10 (It is not possible to do it from the web version of the social network). The steps to be carried out are identical for all the platforms mentioned: I will indicate them in the following lines.

To hide your story from Instagram For some specific users, launch the previously downloaded social network app from Play store from Android, from Store applications from iOS or from Microsoft Store to Windows 10 and log in to your account.

Now press camera icon located in the upper left corner of the main screen of the social network, to start the tool dedicated to the creation of Instagram stories, and grant permissions related to access to the camera and microphone, if necessary. Then press the gear icon which you can see in the upper left corner, to access the configuration section, called History options.

At this point, to hide your Instagram stories, press the item Hide the story to and, in the next menu that appears, select the names of the people for whom you want to hide the display of multimedia content, placing a check mark on their names. Instagram does not allow you to select all followers en masse, but only one by one.

But I remind you that, by default, the Instagram story is public; So even if you hide it from your followers, it will still be visible to those who don't follow you.

Once you have selected the names of the followers that you do not want to see your story, confirm the operation by pressing the button bottom located in the upper right - this way when you post a story it will not be visible to users added to the list Hide the story to.

In case of doubts or problems related to the execution of the procedure just indicated, consult my tutorial in which I explain how hide photos On Instagram.

Share Instagram story only with close friends

To hide the Instagram story, you can also opt for an alternative solution: make it visible only to a few people you choose from among your followers: this way, it will only be visible to the people you select.

To perform this operation you must act like a smartphone, by using the application Instagram to Android es iOS. Then start the application Instagram, by clicking on the icon located on the home screen or in the drawer of your device, and log in to your account, in case this does not happen automatically.

Now press camera icon located in the upper right corner of the home screen of the social network, to access the tool dedicated to creating stories on Instagram. Then press gear icon at the top left and refer to the menu item Closest friends.

By pressing it, you can actually select the names of the people you want to see your story. To do this, click the button Add, under a username, and then tap bottom, to confirm the operation.

In this way, when publishing a story exclusively within the section Closest friends, this will only be visible to the selected users.

Make the account private

Another option at your disposal to make the stories of Instagram Posted by you are not visible to users of the social network, is to make the account private, a reversible operation at any time.

In this case, however, you will only prevent those who still do not follow you from seeing your stories; those who are already your followers, on the other hand, will continue to see the content you publish, unless you have entered their names in the list Hide a or has decided to show the stories only to those on the list Closest friends.

If you think this solution is for you and therefore you want your account to be private Instagram, can act as a mobile phone, through the social network application to Android es iOS, or from a PC, connecting to the web version of the service or using the application to Windows 10.

If you intend to act from smartphonelaunches the Instagrampress icon (☰) located in the upper right corner, and in the menu that is displayed, tap the item configurations. Now, locate and tap the item Account Privacy and move the lever up EN in correspondence with the editorial Private account. On Android, confirm the operation by pressing on Okay.

If you prefer to act from Pc instead, connected to the web version of the famous photographic social network, to be able to log into your account. Now press little man icon at the top right, to view your profile screen, then click the gear icon found below the username. In the menu that appears, click the item Privacy & Security, then put the check mark in the wording Private account.

Using the Instagram app for Windows 10 instead, after signing in to your account, first tap on the little man icon at the bottom to view your profile screen within the social network.

Once done, click on the gear icon located next to your username and finally move the lever up EN, corresponding to the article Private account.

In this way, people who still do not follow you on Instagram, in order to see all the content you publish, will have to send you a follow-up request that you can, at your discretion, accept ( Confirmation ) or reject ( Eliminate ).

In the event that at a later time you want to make your account public again, you can do so: follow the steps just indicated, to go to the section dedicated to the privatization of the profile, and deactivate the option previously activated.

Do you have any doubts about the correct execution of this operation, or do you have problems putting it into practice? Run now to read my specific tutorial on the subject.

Block Users

As an alternative to the solutions proposed so far, if you want to categorically prevent an Instagram user from seeing all the content you post, you can block it.

This operation can be performed in the same way as Android es iOS as well as Pc, both acting from the version Web of the social network that from the application to Windows 10. However, keep in mind that it is not possible to massively block all users of the social network, but only one at a time.

That said, if you want to block a user on Instagram and then you want to prevent them from viewing your content (including stories), start the social network application or connect to your web version, to log into your account.

Now, use the search engine of the social network (l magnifying glass icon ) to locate the profile of the user you want to block. Once done, click on the icon (...) which is in correspondence with your username and, in the menu that appears, click on the item Block ( Block this user if you are acting from the web).

In case you change your mind, go back to the profile screen of the user you blocked and press the button. unlock. In case you have doubts or find a problem in carrying out this operation, consult the information that I have given you in my guide dedicated to the subject.

How do you share a story with only one person on Instagram?

How do I share a story in a direct message on Instagram?.
Tap on a story to view it..
Tap in the bottom right of the photo or video you'd like to share..
Select people you'd like to share it with and tap Send..

Can you hide stories from people on Instagram?

Tap the menu at the top right and select “Settings”. Tap on “Privacy” and then “Stories”. Find “Hide Story from”. If you haven't done this before you will see a '0 people' written, click on that.

How do I hide my story without hiding the highlights?

Method #2: Hiding Instagram Highlights by Settings.
Go to Instagram -> Settings -> Privacy..
Scroll down and select “Story.”.
Select “Hide Story From.”.
The same interface will be as you got while selecting Close Friends..
Enter the Names or select viewers (who should not see your highlights)..


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