How to fix clogged ears from sinus

In the winter season it is common for the sinus to dry out and get infected, which causes the sinuses to get clogged, not to mention all the cold and flu bugs that we can get during the winter season. Sinus pressure doesn’t just affect the nose but the ears as well since they are connected. When sinus pressure builds up it can cause a lot of pain in both the nose and ears. We then will look for ways to help reduce the pressure. What can you do when your ears feel muffled and they begin to feel clogged? ENT Specialists will share a few ways you can help unclog your ears and reduce the pain and sinus pressure.

Nasal Decongestant

There are over the counter decongestants such as sinus relief tablets and/or sprays that can help unblock the sinus. The pressure is then relieved which helps get the pressure off of the ears. However, it is recommended not to use a decongestant over three days or it can affect the nasal cavity which can cause the nasals to dry out and bleed. If severe congestion lasts over three days consider seeking medical help.

Stop Earache & Ear Pain

When there is pressure in the sinuses it can put a lot of pressure on the ears which leads to discomfort and even severe pain. It’s okay to relieve the pain by taking over the counter medications such as Ibuprofen, or Acetaminophen. If pressure or ear pain lasts more than a few days it’s better to seek medical aid to make sure there isn’t another underlining problem. The sinuses could be infected which is why the pressure won’t let up. You may need to treat a sinus infections.

Mucus Extraction

Mucus extraction or blowing your nose with high force can actually make the pressure in the ears worse. This is a common problem when a person is sick and they can’t relieve the sinus pressure. They will begin blowing their nose hard. This doesn’t help. In fact, it makes things worse. When blowing your nose, blow softly. Block one side of the nose and then change sides. Go back and forth to prevent putting more pressure on the ears.

Hydration is Important

When you have sinus pressure it is important to stay hydrated. Avoid caffeinated drinks as they can help dehydrate you. Staying hydrated helps thin out the mucus, and helps the mucus drain better. By promoting better drainage it can help reduce the pressure and relieve the ear pain.

Nasal Saline Rinse

If the pressure gets really bad, and you want to help clear the sinuses fast, you can also do a saline rinse. A saline rinse flushes out the nasal passages and clears out all of the mucus that is causing the pain in the ears. You can get a saline rinse kit at any drug store.

Steam Treatment for Sinus Congestion

Steam can help clear up the sinuses as well. You can boil water and then stick your head in the steam or take a hot shower. If you have a diffuser you can use Eucalyptus, Camphor or Menthol oil which can help clear away the mucus.

Treatment of Ear, Nose & Throat Problem

To completely relieve the pain, try more than one remedy to help drain and keep your sinuses clear. If congestion continues consider seeing an ENT Specialists. We provide quality medical care and can help treat sinus infections, ear pain and more. Schedule an appointment with ENT Specialists today.

When experiencing a painful episode of sinus congestion, there are many questions that may cross your mind. One simply is “How do I make it go away?” The reason for the pain that you are feeling in your ears is due to sinus pressure. This is because the sinuses and the ears are connected. Sinus congestion and stuffiness can affect the pressure in your ears. Because sinus pressure affects more than just your nose, you may also have pain in your ears, dizziness, and a sensation that makes your ears feel muffled or clogged. Fortunately, there are several remedies to bring you relief. Sinus pressure in the ears can truly be a pain!



Over-the-counter decongestants such as nasal sprays or tablets can relieve sinus blockage and in turn, relieve clogged ears. Nasal decongestant tablets can be a quick remedy for the sinus pain. However, it is not recommended that they be used for more than 3 days. If you choose to use a decongestant, be sure to strictly follow the directions listed on the medication.

Pain Medication

Over the counter pain medication that you may already have at home in your medicine cabinet can also relieve pain associated with sinus pressure.

Some medications to try for relief are Ibuprofen Naproxen, and Acetaminophen. Consult with a physician or Pharmacist for the best over the counter option.

Blow Gently

Gently blowing your nose can bring quick relief. A technique to try is to block one nostril while blowing, then change nostrils and repeat.

This can also help to ease sinus pressure in the ears. Be careful to not blow too hard or you can feel worse.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids such as water and other non-caffeinated drinks will help you to stay hydrated, which will in turn keep your nasal mucus thin. Having thin nasal mucus will help it to better drain. Draining your nasal mucus will help to relieve the sinus pain you are experiencing in your ears.

Saline Rinse

A saline rinse or nasal irrigation is effective at relieving nasal congestion and ear pain. Saline rinse is a method to flush out your nasal passages using a saline solution. Some devices used for saline rinses are bulb syringes, special squeeze bottles, or a Neti pot.


Give yourself a steam treatment with a bowl of hot water and a large towel. Place your face over the bowl and drape the towel over your head. Breath in the steam until the water cools. Some people use Menthol, Eucalyptus oils, or Camphor in the water. Steam helps to relieve sinus congestion by loosening mucus. The steam from a hot shower can also work to help loosen mucus as well.

Trying one or a combination of these remedies should surely bring your relief for sinus pressure in the ears. These simple home remedies can have you feeling back to normal in no time!

How long does a sinus clogged ear last?

Ears that are clogged from water or air pressure may be resolved quickly. Infections and earwax buildup can take up to a week to clear up. In some circumstances, especially with a sinus infection that you're having a hard time shaking, it can take longer than a week.

Can sinuses make your ears feel clogged?

Since the ears, nose and throat are all interconnected, inflammation in the sinuses can lead to problems elsewhere in the ENT region. For instance, ear congestion often occurs in combination with nasal congestion. However, it is also possible to experience congestion in the ears but not the nose.


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