How to find out if an instagram account is fake

There are countless fake accounts on Instagram, but sometimes they are difficult to spot. So how do you tell the real ones from the fake ones?

While it's not an exact science, here are signs you should look out for to figure out whether an Instagram account is fake or not.

What Types of Fake Accounts Are on Instagram?

A fake account is any account that is posing as another person or organization, or one that poses as a legitimate business or competition. People create fake accounts for many reasons: impersonation, scamming, or spamming are the most common ones. But some may just be using an alternate account to view other people’s profiles without them knowing who it is. But finstas are different to malicious fake accounts.

There are also fake accounts that are created in huge batches with the purpose of being used to boost the amount of followers someone has. You may have heard of people “buying followers” with these accounts.

Some people create fake accounts with the intent to scam you or get you to tell them personal or financial information. This is why it is important to be able to spot a fake account from a real one.

Signs That an Instagram Account Is Fake

Fake accounts are usually easy to spot. There are many signs to look for, but here are just a few reliable red flags.

1. They’re Offering You Something

One of the easiest ways to spot a fake account is if it comments on your posts or messages offering you a giveaway or money for no clear reason. These accounts are trying to entice you to give your personal or financial information to them in order to get the giveaway.

Instead of the giveaway, they often use your information to hack into your accounts or steal your identity. You may get direct messages from them offering you free things or cash. Sometimes these messages can border on being uncomfortable.

Another obvious sign is if the account claims they are offering you something on behalf of a real account or brand. Often, the brand has no idea who the account is.

2. They Follow a Lot of People

Accounts that follow thousands of people, but have little or no followers, are often fake accounts. They were probably created to be a follower available for purchase. Even if they say they are a person you know, the following ratio indicates they are probably just using that person’s identity to appear real.

The accounts they follow will also be random with no clear network of people. This is another sign to check out if you are not sure.

3. The Posts Are Inappropriate for Instagram

Many fake accounts post explicit or sexual content that can sometimes break Instagram's Community Guidelines. They may send you explicit direct messages or have posts that try to lure you into going to another website.

These accounts can be dangerous to interact with, and you should always report content like this to Instagram.

How to Stay Safe from Fake Accounts

Even if you are not sure whether an account is fake, it is best to use safe practices.

1. Confirm They Are Not a Catfish

If you see an account that claims to be someone you know, but something just isn’t quite right about them, it is best to double-check. Contact the person through another means, for example, using their phone number or seeing them in person. Ask them if the account is real, and you will be able to know if you should trust the account.

2. Never Give Away Personal Information

Even if you are completely sure an account is real, you should never give anyone your personal or financial information on Instagram. If someone is asking for it, they are probably not who they say they are.

If you are purchasing something on Instagram, confirm it is a legitimate shop. Many large chain stores are verified with a blue check on Instagram. You can also check reviews on the shop’s website, or do a quick Google search for the company. If you are still unsure, do not purchase anything from the shop.

3. Block Suspicious Accounts

Do not engage with an account if you suspect it might be fake, even if you think you aren’t doing anything dangerous. You should also block an Instagram account that you think could be fake if they follow or message you. This will keep you safe from any dangerous accounts.

If you receive a message that breaks Instagram’s Guidelines, you should also report the account to keep others on Instagram safe. This will help cut down on the number of dangerous fake accounts

4. Perform a Security Check

If you feel that a fake account may be dangerous to you, you can also perform a security checkup on Instagram on your own account to confirm it is safe. This includes reviewing what information you have shared with others.

Keeping Yourself Safe

Instagram should be a safe and fun place for real people to find communities and connect. By protecting yourself and others from fake accounts, you are doing your part to make Instagram enjoyable!

Can you trace a fake Instagram account?

Yes, a fake Instagram account can be traced. Whenever someone creates an Instagram account and logs into it, Instagram records IP address for every session, among other details. This information is shared by Instagram with Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) of the country when asked for.

How do you know if a Instagram account is real?

Here are seven red flags to keep an eye out for if you're trying to root them out:.
It Has A Generic Bio. ... .
It Doesn't Have Many Posts. ... .
The Posts It Does Have Promote A Product. ... .
Its Followers Are Random. ... .
It's Following A Lot Of Other Accounts. ... .
It Was Created Recently. ... .
The Accounts Have Irrelevant Comments..

How can you find out who is behind an Instagram account?

How to Find Out Who Owns an Instagram Account.
Ask them directly..
Investigate the profile..
Use a people search engine..
Use Google's Reverse Image Search..
Cross-check other social media..


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