How to clean pee out of wood

If you share your home with a pet, then their urine accidents might usually occur everywhere on your floors or carpets. Regardless of if they are a puppy or a fully grown dog. However, the problem arises if you don’t immediately clean the liquid. Because if the liquid penetrates the surface of your wooden floors, it will get more difficult to remove.

Pet urine also emits an unpleasant odor that can linger in the indoor air of your home. Thus, you need to always remove urine odor from wood floors immediately. You can remove the pet urine odor by following these few easy steps given below.

Steps To Remove Urine Odor From Wood Floors

♦ Step 1

To get rid of the pet urine smell in the house, you need to prepare a thick paste of 1 cup of water and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide. Then, to this mixture add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 drops of dish detergent. Stir everything together well to make a thick paste.

♦ Step 2

Before you apply this paste to the entire surface, make sure you do a patch test. The paste you make should not adversely affect the color of your wooden floor.

♦ Step 3

Now, take a soft rag and spread the whole paste evenly on the affected area. Hydrogen peroxide is known to break down the enzymes of the dog urine. While baking soda is a natural odor eliminator and deodorizer. Thus, this combination will effectively remove the smell.

♦ Step 4

Let the paste sit for 2 to 3 minutes before you wipe it clean. Do not let this paste sit on the wooden floor any longer as the wood will warp.

What Neutralizes The Smell Of Urine?

To neutralize the smell of dog urine soaked into the hardwood floor, apply a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to it. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that will easily neutralize the odor.

If you fail to achieve your desired results from these DIY tactics, it is best to call professionals. We at Chem Dry of Bexar County provide top-rated pet urine odor removal service in the San Antonio, TX location. Our experts will eliminate the pet odor using UV light technology.

If you own a dog, at some point you will have to clean up accidents off the floor. Urine needs to be removed from Hardwood floors immediately because the standing liquid can warp the wood, soak deep down into the crevices and leave behind odors. Cleaning up dog pee properly will protect your floors from the urine and help keep them in good condition.


1. Wear gloves to protect your hands. Soak up excess dog pee with paper towels by blotting the paper towels onto the urine to soak up the excess liquid.

2. Sprinkle baking soda over the urine area. Allow the baking soda to sit on the floor overnight to neutralize the urine odor.

3. Vacuum the baking soda off the hardwood floor. Turn the brush off on the vacuum or raise the brush level to prevent scratching the floor.

4. Combine 1 cup of warm water with 1 cup of vinegar in a container. Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the area to remove any lingering dog urine.

5. Rinse the floor with clean water and a washcloth. Dry the wood floor with a towel. Standing water can ruin the hardwood floor.

Contact us here if the floors appeared discolored. Avoid using hard abrasives and cleaners on Hardwood floors because you can scratch them.

Because floors are the largest surface in your home, they are a great part of your home's beauty. That is why many people opt for wood floors, as they are breathtaking but long-lasting. But along with being really expensive, they require a very specific way of maintenance in order to keep them looking shiny and to stop them from rotting, especially if you live in a humid place like Australia. If you have a dog and wood floors, you need to focus on keeping your floors moisture and scratch-free.

Remove the Urine Quickly

When you see the accident happen, you need to blot the urine with paper towels, mop or towels right away. To remove it, press firmly on the towels so you draw all the urine out of the floors. Depending on how much urine there is you might need to do it multiple times in order to soak up all of it.

The Hydrogen Peroxide Method

Even though it sounds complex, this is the easiest method there is. That is because the compound found in it dries up the urine from the wood floors, preventing it from soaking through and leaving bacteria in the cracks that will later harm your floors. Hydrogen peroxide works amazingly because it has two molecules of oxygen, which makes it an oxidizer. When you pour it on urine, it will neutralize the ammonia. This will get rid of the smell, as well as kill the bacteria that will eventually eat up your wood floors if you don’t treat it.

The Baking Soda Method

As we are talking about neutralizers, baking soda is another great option as it can be found in any household. When you sprinkle it on top of the urine puddle, it will neutralize the uric acid which will take away the ammonia smell. In order to perform the best it can, leave it to sit overnight for at least 6 hours. That is also a great way to stop your dog from peeing in the same spot.

The Enzymatic Cleaner

Most people don't know what enzymatic cleaners exist. They are non-toxic cleaners that are most effective when it comes to breaking down urine stains and odors. These cleaners are specifically made to get rid of pet accident odors. Because they are made out of natural enzymes, they neutralize and eliminate the urine completely. Sometimes you will have to treat the stain several times in order to get it completely removed as it is a natural cleaner. Along with that it is best that you have cleaning services come and give you a clean slate to work with. House cleaning in Sydney is really popular and there is no shame with having some help in order to keep your floors intact.

The White Vinegar and Grapefruit Oil Method

White vinegar is known for its disinfectant and deodorizing abilities as well as being a great stain remover. In order to get rid of the strong urine odor mix one cup of vinegar in a bucket of water and add drops of grapefruit oil to give it a nice smell. Scrub your floor with the cleaning solution making sure that you concentrate it on the spot that has been urinated on.

Now that you know how you can remove urine stains out of your wood floors, there is no need to pick between having a dog and having nice wood floors. Keep in mind that no matter how well trained your dog is accidents are bound to happen, just like with children. The most important thing is that you treat the spot right away and you are good to go.


Ayla Anderson is an avid reader and an enthusiastic blogger who writes articles on home improvement, business, Family and beauty. She is also an MBA student who spends much of her time giving advice to newly small businesses on how to grow their businesses. You can follow me on //


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Does pee soak into wood?

Urine needs to be removed from Hardwood floors immediately because the standing liquid can warp the wood, soak deep down into the crevices and leave behind odors. Cleaning up dog pee properly will protect your floors from the urine and help keep them in good condition. 1.

How do you get urine smell out of hardwood?

Baking Soda.
Soak up as much of the urine as possible with paper towels..
Rinse the area with a damp cloth..
Dry with a towel..
Sprinkle baking soda generously over the spot where your pet peed..
Let the baking soda sit there for at least eight hours. ... .
Vacuum it up carefully..
Disinfect the floors with a hardwood-safe product..


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