How to cash a personal check without a bank account

Getting a paycheck is exciting, but it can be difficult to know what to do with it, especially if you don’t have a bank account.

In this article, we’ll talk about where you can cash a check if you don’t have a bank account, which of those options is cheapest, and what you need to bring when you cash your check.

Key Takeaways

  • You can cash your paycheck at the check-issuing bank, a check-cashing store or kiosk, or even some retailers.

  • Many people choose to sign their checks over to family and friends in exchange for cash, or they put the money from their checks on prepaid debit cards.

  • Check-cashing stores and some banks and retailers will likely charge you a fee to cash your check.

Where to Cash a Payroll Check Without a Bank Account

So now you have your first paycheck in one hand and your driver’s license in the other. You’re ready to put some cold, hard cash in your pocket. Where should you go?

  • Check-issuing bank. If you look at the check, you’ll see a bank listed on it. This is the check-issuing bank, or the place where the person (or company) who gave you the check has an account. They will honor any checks written from account holders at their institutions. Let’s say it was a Wells Fargo bank; you can go to any Wells Fargo and cash that check.

  • Some retailers. If you have a big box store near you, many of them offer check-cashing services in their customer service departments. Walmart is well known for its check-cashing services, and it’s a popular place for many to cash their payroll checks. Just make sure you check Walmart’s check-cashing rules to make sure they will cash your check before you head to the store. Also, each state has different rules, so you might want to look into what those are.

  • Check-cashing store. Check-cashing stores have become very popular in the last couple of decades, out of necessity. You might feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t have a bank account. It’s true that 95% of households in the United States, but that means that 5% don’t. While that’s a small percentage, it’s a lot of people. Roughly 7.1 million households are “unbanked,” according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

    So, a check-cashing store is in the business of doing just that, giving you cash for a check. They can do a few other, limited things, but this is their business, and because it’s a business, they’re going to charge you – more on that later.

  • Check-cashing kiosk. Don’t want to go to a store, how about a kiosk? Just like a check-cashing store, these little kiosks are cropping up in gas stations, grocery stores, big boxes, etc. They function almost exactly like a check-cashing store, but it might be more convenient for you to use them.

  • Onto a prepaid card. One interesting way you can get your check cashed but not have to handle actual money is to get a prepaid credit card or debit card. You can load these cards up with money from checks, gifts, returns – anywhere you’d get money and then use them just like you would a credit card or a debit card. It’s a convenient way to pay for things, and you don’t have to carry cash around with you.

    An interesting thing about these cards is you can find store specific ones from the same big box stores you use to cash your check. These grocery and convenience stores often then waive the fees for cashing your check because they know you’re going to put all of the money right back into their store. This can be a win/win situation. Just make sure you’re going to use all of the money on the card, or you’re basically throwing money away.

    If you don’t want to go the specific store route, you can typically use an ATM to deposit the check and reload your prepaid card. You might also be able to find a mobile app that will do this for you – how convenient is that? These cards don’t have to be store specific, and you can use them anywhere they accept debit or credit cards.

  • Sign it over to someone else. One way to cash a check that typically won’t involve a fee is by signing it over to someone else. In this example, let’s say you’ve got your first job and your first paycheck, you don’t have a bank account yet, but your mom does. Since your mom knows and, hopefully, trusts you, she’s willing to have you endorse the check over to her, and she’ll give you cash for it. Then she can take the check to her bank and deposit it, and she’ll get reimbursed.

    If you’re wondering how to endorse a check to someone else, there are a couple of steps involved, but it’s straightforward. First of all, you need to endorse it yourself. This means you sign the back in the area reserved for your signature.

    Make sure you sign it in the same way the check was written out to you. Normally, this isn’t a big deal, but it can be brought into question. So, if the check is made out to James Smith, sign it that way even though you usually go by Jimmy Smith.

    Beneath your signature, there is sometimes a line for notes. Even if the line isn’t there, pretend it is. This is where you can make a note that you’re signing it over to someone else. In this case, James Smith would sign his name, and then, below it, he’d write “Pay to the order of” followed by his mom’s name – so, Shirley Smith.

    In our example, Shirley Smith has a bank account. The bank knows her, she knows her son, Jimmy, has a job, and this is his paycheck. There’s nothing suspicious going on. The bank will most likely honor that endorsement. But it’s up to them if they will or not. They might think it seems suspicious and not accept the check.

Where to Cash a Personal Check Without a Bank Account

If you have a check you want to cash that isn’t a payroll check, your options are the same. Let’s say grandma sent you a $50 check for your birthday. You could take this check to an issuing bank, a retailer, a check-cashing store, or deposit it onto your prepaid debit card. You could also sign it over to one of your parents or a friend, and they can put it into their checking account and give you the cash.

One thing to note, just because a place cashes your payroll or a government-issued check, it doesn’t mean they’ll cash personal checks. They might feel there’s too much risk to them, so they simply refuse to honor this type of check.

Cheapest to Most Expensive Check-Cashing Options

While going to a check-cashing store might be the easiest way to cash out, it’s not necessarily the best idea. Hey, you worked hard for that money, and now the check-cashing store wants you to give a percent to them just so they can cash the check. That seems crazy – but it’s actually not. It’s done to protect the store.

These stores take on a lot of risk by cashing checks for people they don’t know and people who don’t have bank accounts.

As an example, Jim stole Sarah’s checks and started writing them out to himself. He pops in at the check-cashing store, and they give him $500 for the bogus check. Sarah realizes her checks have been stolen, and the bank puts a halt on her account.

The check-cashing store then hears from the issuing bank that they’re not honoring those checks because they were part of an identity theft situation. Now, the check-cashing store is out $500.

While most people who cash checks without a bank account are on the up-and-up and not committing identity fraud, there are those nefarious individuals who do. By collecting a small fee or percentage from each customer, these stores can recover their losses and pay their employees.

While a fee now seems more reasonable, you still don’t want to pay it. We totally understand. Here is a list of ways you can cash a check without a bank account, from the cheapest to most expensive. Keep in mind; this is a general list. Individual establishments may have a different pay structure, so if you want to find a cheap solution, it’s best to shop around.

  • Endorse the check to someone else. This will cost you nothing, as long as the person you endorse the check to doesn’t charge you.

  • Issuing bank. Some of these institutions don’t charge anything, some charge a percentage of the check, and some have a flat fee. It pays to check with the specific bank to see what their policy is.

  • Prepaid credit/debit card. If you’re going with a store-specific card, then there might not be a fee at all, but you have to spend it all in one place. A prepaid card sponsored by a major credit card doesn’t need to be spent in one place, but there might be a small fee involved – usually, just a few dollars.

  • Retailers. If the retailer is putting the check amount on one of their store cards, there probably won’t be a fee. But if you’re looking for cash, they’re going to charge. Some stores charge a percent of the check; others have a fixed dollar amount based on the check’s size.

  • Check-cashing store or kiosk. These are the most expensive ways to cash a check, and, as we explained above, they have their reasons. These are businesses looking to protect themselves from loss, pay their bills and employees, and make a profit, and you’re going to pay for the service they provide.

What You Need to Cash a Check

No matter where you go to cash a check, you’re probably going to have to present photo identification. Your driver’s license is usually the most hand form of photo ID that people have, but a state-issued identification and sometimes even a school ID can work. Other acceptable forms of ID could include:

  • Military ID

  • U.S. passport

  • Tribal ID

  • Green card

  • Resident alien ID

In addition to having your ID, you’re also going to need to bring the check with you, obviously.

Cashing a Paycheck FAQ

  1. Can you cash a paycheck at any bank?

    No, you can’t cash a paycheck at any bank. You can typically only cash a paycheck at your bank or at the bank that issued the check. For example, if your company uses Wells Fargo (you can tell by looking at the bank logo on the check) and you use Chase, you can either cash your check at Wells Fargo or Chase.

    If you endorse the check and sign it over to someone else to cash, they can then cash it at their bank, however.

    In addition, any bank that isn’t yours may charge you a fee to cash your check, and any bank can refuse to cash a check if they feel uncomfortable about it — it doesn’t matter if it’s your bank or the issuing bank or not.

  2. Can you cash a check at Walmart without a bank account?

    Yes, you can cash a check at Walmart without a bank account. This is a great option for cashing a paycheck if you don’t have a bank account. Just remember that Walmart does have rules for check cashing, and these may even vary depending on the state your Walmart is in, so do your research before you go.

    This research is especially important to do if you need to cash a personal check, as many Walmarts may not accept personal checks. However, official paychecks usually aren’t a problem as long as they don’t exceed the store’s maximum acceptable check amount.

    In addition to Walmart, some grocery stores and other retailers offer check cashing services.

  3. Is there a way to cash a check online?

    Yes, there is a way to cash a check online. If you have a bank account, your bank may offer check-cashing services on their website or mobile app. In addition, many online payment vendors like PayPal or Venmo will cash a check for you.

    If you choose this route, just be prepared to pay a fee and wait a few days for your check to process. Most of the time banks will have your funds ready to go within one business day, while third-party payment vendors can take up to five days to process your check.

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How can I cash a personal check instantly?

The safest and fastest way to get cash is to take your check to the check writer's bank. That's the bank or credit union that holds the check writer's funds, and you can get the money out of the check writer's account and into your hands instantly at that bank.

Can you cash a personal check at Walmart?

Just head straight to the Walmart Money Center, or customer service desk, and quickly get your personal check cashed. You do not need to register ahead of time to cash checks at Walmart or have a Walmart credit card to make it happen.

What banks let you cash a check without an account?

In-Branch at a Bank or Credit Union Virtually all member-FDIC or –NCUA banks and credit unions cash payroll, government, and financial institution (including insurance company) checks for customers and noncustomers.

Can you cash a personal check at an ATM?

The Bottom Line With Cashing a Check at an ATM You can head to an ATM to cash a check. To avoid fees, head to an ATM that you bank with. You will need your debit card, and the endorsed check. A personal check and a government check have the best chances of being verified quickly.


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