How long after bath to apply frontline

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Protect All Month Long

Kill fleas and ticks and prevent flea re-infestations. Available at your vet or online. 

Easy to Use and Works All Month Long

Body Copy

  • Kills adult fleas, flea larvae, flea eggs, and ticks
  • Starts killing fleas within 30 minutes*
  • Keeps killing fleas and ticks through day 30


* Beginning 48 hours after application.

How to Apply FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs:


Remove one applicator tube from package and hold in an upright position pointed away from your face.


Twist dispensing tip clockwise about ½ turn while pushing down to break tube’s seal. Do not remove the dispensing tip.


Dog must be dry at time of application and remain dry for 48 hours after application. Position the dispensing tip on dog’s back between shoulder blades. Use dispensing tip of tube to part dog’s hair so that product will be applied at skin level. Begin squeezing out contents of tube to form a stripe as you move from shoulder blades along dog’s back to base of tail. You may bathe dog 48 hours after application. 

— How to Apply FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs —

Refer to label for full instructions before use.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does FRONTLINE® Gold for Dogs work?

FRONTLINE® Gold for Dogs spreads from the stripe-on application, rapidly covering the entire dog and localizing in the hair, on the surface of the skin and in the sebaceous glands. These glands act as a reservoir, continuously replenishing FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs onto the skin and hair coat, so it keeps working even if the dog gets wet.

Why is it important to tackle flea eggs as well as fleas?

Even if you have treated your pet for fleas, some fleas may lay eggs before dying, therefore it is important to tackle flea eggs. FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs kills fleas before most have time to lay eggs. The pyriproxyfen in FRONTLINE Gold prevents development of flea eggs and flea larvae, breaking the flea life cycle.  

Can my dog get wet right after applying FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs?

Your dog needs to be dry at the time FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs is applied and remain dry 48 hours after application  

Frontline Plus is a waterfast preparation, but it takes a little time for the medication to become trapped in the coat’s sebaceous glands. Therefore, you should not give your dog a bath for 48 hours after applying Frontline Plus.

How long after you apply Frontline Can you give a dog a bath?

However, you do need to be aware of the Frontline Plus 48 Hour Rule don’t bathe your pet in the 48 hours before or after treatment. If you want to bathe your pet before applying Frontline Plus, plan to do it 48 hours before treatment is due.

How long does it take for Frontline to absorb?

It can take up to 48 hours or two days for Frontline or other flea medicine to become dry and fully absorbed by your pet’s body. Do not touch the area where you applied Frontline.

How long does it take for frontline to dry on dog?

Flea medicines like Frontline and Advantage usually take around 30 to 45 minutes to dry upon application.

How long after flea treatment can I bathe my dog?

It’s recommended that you avoid bathing your dog for at least three days after treatment. After three days, it’s fine to give your dog a bath in a non-medicated shampoo made for dogs or cats. Baths can be given as often as once per month without affecting the performance of the product.

What happens if your dog licks frontline?

My pet has licked the FRONTLINE PLUS or FRONTLINE SPRAY. Will it be OK? If licking occurs shortly after application, a brief period of hyper-salivation may occur due to the taste. These signs are usually short lived.

Can I wash frontline off my dog?

Frontline products contains fipronil, the active ingredient that kills adult fleas infesting a dog. Fipronil works its way into the hair follicles, where it remains trapped by the sebaceous or oil glands, making it resistant to being washed away with bathing.

Why does my dog still have fleas after using frontline?

The ingredient in FRONTLINE Spot On and FRONTLINE Plus that kills fleas makes them hyperactive before they die. … This means that regardless of the licensed flea treatment you use – you may still see fleas on your pet until the flea product kills it.

Frontline Plus will get rid of all fleas within 18 hours of contact with your pet and will kill all ticks within 48 hours after coming in contact with your pet. Frontline Plus covers your pet’s whole body within 24 hours of application.

Do fleas fall off after frontline?

No, the fleas don’t jump off after the treatment. Well yes they do! I luckily put a towel down after on my bed and the cat got up after about 4 hours.

Can my dog sleep with me after frontline?

When used as directed, pets treated with FRONTLINE® flea and tick treatments do not pose a health risk to children or adults. It is a recommended precaution that children or adults do not pet, play or sleep with treated animals until the application site is dry.

How long does flea treatment take to dry on dogs?

Practically, the longer that they can stay dry for in the 24 hours after application, the more chance the ingredients have of being absorbed and therefore being effective. If they get a bit damp running into the garden for late-night pee, then don’t fret.

How long does it take Frontline Plus to dry?

How long does it take the Frontline to dry? It takes up to 48 hours for Frontline to dry. You may think it looks dry before this, for example within hours, but it will take longer than you think to be dry and effective to fight off the fleas.

Can dogs get wet after flea treatment?

Once FRONTLINE Plus® / FRONTLINE Tri-Act® / FRONTLINE® Spot On has been applied it is recommended to keep your pet out of the rain and away from watercourses for the next 48 hours.

Will my dog still itchy after fleas gone?

If you detect fleas on cats or dogs, focus on getting rid of the fleas immediately. Once the fleas are removed- these symptoms will disappear and no more itchy dog or cat!

Can you overdose a dog with flea treatment?

Common signs of toxicity from flea products containing organophosphates are diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, small pupils, muscle tremor, weakness or falling over, and drooling. Organophosphate toxicity can be rapidly fatal, depending on the ingredients and dose the pet is exposed to.

Can I put Frontline Plus on my dog after a bath?

If FRONTLINE Plus is to be applied after a bath, make sure your pet is completely dry before application. FRONTLINE Plus remains effective for 30 days, even if your pet swims or is bathed. After application, keep your pet from getting wet for 24 hours.

Can I apply flea treatment after a bath?

Avoid bathing your dog for a few days before and after applying spot-on flea treatment. If you bathe your dog before the application, there won't be enough natural oils to carry the medication deep into their skin.

How long after a flea bath can you apply flea medicine?

If you give them a flea bath prior, make sure you wait at least 48 hours before applying treatment. Then, keep your cat dry for at least 24 hours to ensure the liquid spreads evenly.

Can I put flea medicine on my cat after a bath?

After your cat is completely dry, squeeze the spot-on treatment onto your cat's skin between his shoulder blades. If you use the treatment before giving your kitty a bath, wait at least 24 hours before sudsing up your cat. This treatment kills fleas, flea eggs and larvae and prevents a flea reinfestation for 30 days.


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