God i cant take this anymore

Have you ever felt like the world was caving in on you? Maybe you’ve just had a family member, co-worker, or close friend betray you. Maybe you lost a spouse, a child, a job, or a missed opportunity, and now you feel like you’re losing your mind. You feel empty and forgotten, or like you’re being punished by God and your thoughts are demanding relief, persuading you that you just can’t take another day of this madness called life. Your heart is so heavy right now and no matter how hard or how long you’ve cried, prayed, fasted, and believed, you just cannot wrap your brain around why? Why me, lord?

You may even be thinking at this very moment, “You just don’t know what I've been through, and I feel there is no way out of this mess I’m in.”

“I’m just so tired of holding on to what I did in the past and how I've hurt others, and finding it too hard to forgive myself.”

Sadly, you may be even contemplating taking your own life because the pain is just too unbearable to deal with another day. God can see things that you can't see. It may not make sense right now, but one day, when God's whole plan unfolds, you will see what God is up to. Joel Osteen Ministries. Well, dear hearts, if you’re reading this with tears in your eyes, know that God is speaking directly to your wounded soul through this article. I prayed before submitting this article as I usually do before I put anything out there, so you didn’t just happen to stumble across this article. God led you to it. He wants you to know that you can take whatever it is weighing heavily on your heart another day, and even longer. That you can stand against any form of darkness coming against you, no matter how frightening the situation or how defeated you think you are.

He wants you to know that He is never far from you even though you may not feel His presence. He wants you to know that He has heard your cry for help and has already resolved the issues you’re facing before they were presented to you. He wants you to know that giving up will not make things better and that those you leave behind will suffer a tremendous loss without you. He wants you to know that everything you’ve done for Him and others is not in vain and that He appreciates you and wants to continue using you in a powerful way if you can just hold on to His unchanging hand.

He wants you to know that the enemy of your soul has targeted you from the very beginning and that nothing you’re facing is new. The enemy knew that God had special plans for you and has tried to destroy this anointing on your life before you were even born. The enemy has a stronghold on your life that must be destroyed in the name of Jesus!

Am I here to just suffer? Is there any more to life than pain and anguish? God has a reason for everything that happens.

 We may not understand His reasons, but we have to trust His will. Have you wondered how and why you still survived when your mother tried to abort you? Have you wondered how you survived after all of the surgeries, medical problems, and emotional turmoil? Have you wondered how you survived after being shot, stabbed, beaten, or in a terrible accident? The one you thought was impossible for anyone to walk away from, let alone survive? What about the addiction lifestyle you thought you’d never break free of, and those who tried to harm you during that time? What about the time you had a lengthy jail sentence hanging over your head, and the judge had mercy on you? Have you thought about all of the times you were alone and wanted to quit, but something stirred deep in your soul urging you to move forward in spite of the pain? Did you know that your greatest ministry will come from your deepest hurts?

 What’s the use of praying when I feel like I’m not being heard?

 Did you know that no matter what you are facing today, God is with you? It’s easy to praise God when everything is going well. The true test of your faith is often tried by the fires of life. The storms. When people turn their back on you, when friends betray you, and when there is no one left but you and God. Are you still able to lift your hands in praise and worship and say Thank you Jesus through the sorrow? Thank you Jesus with tears streaming heavily down your cheeks? Thank you God for delivering me from evil? If you want a break through, take your focus off of people who've hurt you. Take your focus off your financial troubles. Take your focus off of the lies they are whispering about you. Take your focus off of petty things that have nothing to do with God or His will for your life! Don't give ANY glory to evil by constantly talking about what happened or complaining. Even when life wounds us, God still deserves all the glory, honor, and praise, at ALL times.

God is going before you to make the crooked places straight. No person, no sickness, no disappointment, can stop His plan. What He promised will come to pass. Joel Osteen Ministries. Based on scripture Isaiah 45:2 KJV.

I woke up this morning meditating on the goodness of God. How He watches over us and our loved ones, and how He provides for us in many ways. I think about all of the troubles, heartaches, lonely times, and sufferings, and then I think about how Jesus was there for me through it all. God is not like people. He never leaves us during hard times. He will shield, protect, and love us through the fiery trials. So if you are experiencing any kind of suffering, do not be afraid and worried. You may have to walk through many fires, but if you trust in the lord, you will come out smoke free!

 Why am I am I a target? How much more does God think I can stand after all of the pain I've endured thus far? How much more lord?

Satan targets the mind with lies, fear, discouragement, frustration, suicidal ideation and plans. Your greatest weapon is speaking Gods word. That’s why it’s important to read the bible daily. The best most effective way to fight is on your knees and the hardest thing to do is usually the right thing to do. Whenever you speak faith filled words, don't quit just because you don't see the manifestation of what you need right away in the natural. Remember that, before the situation was brought to your attention it had to cross the path of God first. If He allowed it in your life, it is going to turn out to be a HUGE blessing for you. Don't try to understand why it's happening; just trust the God who allowed it to see you through it. Every word of faith you speak. Every prayer uttered. And every time you lift your hands to praise God instead of the glorifying the problem, is the same as tossing a handful of good prosperous seeds onto fertile ground. Your tears water them! And your manifestation in due season will be more than you've ever even imagined in that tiny little organ. The brain! The BEST gifts sometimes come wrapped in the ugliest packages!

 Every broken heart, rejection, and abandonment, only leads you one step closer to who you were meant to be with, to your destination, and what God is trying to accomplish in your life because of the pain.

 If you have been praying for God to improve your circumstances prepare yourself for the worst before your blessing comes. This is how you know that a big blessing is near. All hell will break loose in your life and you will feel like you are drowning in your sorrows. God is preparing you for transition and walking with you through the fires. Even though the smoke is billowing all around you, hold on to God's hand and allow Him to lead you to safety. Sometimes the smoke is just too thick for us to see through, but God can see through it all. Don't wait until the smoke clears to start praising. The more you praise Him, the clearer the vision will become. During those times when it's difficult to pray and the tears are streaming down your face. Just lift those hands and worship through the tears and the pain. God knows the contents of your heart before you even begin to utter the words. Praise allows what's in the spiritual realm to be manifested in the natural. Lift up those hands and begin to praise. He hears you.

 With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself, or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose!” (Dr. Wayne W. Dyer) “Staying on the Path”

 What is the solution and how do I surrender and stop worrying? How do I let go?

First, remember that worrying is putting faith in your fears. The greater the attack, the bigger the blessing! Begin to praise God and watch your blessings pour down. You've come too far to give up now. Keep going. Your blessing is right around the corner. At times when you feel like God is nowhere to be found, that's when He is closer to you. At times when you're weak and feel you have no more strength left, that's when God says my strength is made perfect in your weakness. At times when you feel you can't go on one more day; God says yes you can. You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. And when things get hard, pray harder! Keep pushing your way to your breakthrough. When we are facing hard times, it is so tempting to dwell on the circumstances.

Satan is jumping up and down and waving at you through the situation saying, "Look over here! Look at me!" And all the while God is whispering, "Keep your eyes on the only one who can fix it! Me!" But most of the time we are so worried and paying attention to the distractions that we clutter our minds. A cluttered mind has great difficulty hearing the soft sweet whispers of Jesus. No matter what! Fight to keep your hearts and minds centered on God! He deserves the glory, not your circumstances! And if you’ve lost a loved one, just know that in the heavens there is no more suffering. There is only peace and unspeakable joy. God loves you and desires to reunite you with your loved ones who have passed on, but you must stay rooted and grounded in Christ to the very end.

 Every day, I’m faced with the choice to dwell on my circumstances and give Satan the glory, or to focus my attention on God who is able to supply all of my needs according to His riches and glory and have a peaceful day. I choose to remain focused on God.

I love you in Christ! ~ Author Carmen Love~


Read more articles by Author Carmen Love or search for other articles by topic below.

God is Not Against You - He Came on an All Out Rescue Mission to Save You

...in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them... 2 Cor 5:19

Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Acts 13:38


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