Give me a sound that a horn makes family feud

G1: Duminies v. Sullivans (Phillip, Nancy, Julie, Jessie & Courtney)

R1: Name something a wife does to her husband’s face:

#1: Kisses (50)(Phillip)

Sullivans: Caresses (BA- 2), stares at, slaps (#2- 24), shaves (#4- 3), puts BAND-AID(s) on it, wipes it off (#3- 17), pinches (ONE BA LEFT) & blows/spits on
Shayna Steal: Licks it (Remained unsaid: Sits on)

R2: Name something a cannibal might remove from someone before eating ’em:

#2: Pesky hairs (21)(Talisa)
#4: Bones (6)(Nancy)

Duminies: Clothes/shoes (#1- 31), skin/(ABBA) tattoos (T5- 5), fat, teeth (#3- 9), mud/dirt, bling (ONE OF TWO BAs- 4), guts/intestines (T5) & eyeballs
Phillip Steal: Nails (Other BA: Heart)

Double: Name a sport where you see men w/ big bottoms:

#1: (Sumo) wrestling (43)(Phyllis)
#2: Football (42)(Julie)

Duminies: Soccer, baseball (#3- 6), track/field, swimming (ONLY BA OF RD.- 2), boxing (T4- 3) & basketball
Phillip Steal #2: Golf- CORRECT

TRIPLE: Give me a sound that a horn makes:

#2: Beep (40)(Jessie)
X- BUZZ (Sean)

Sullivans: Honk (OTHER TA OF THE BOARD), toot (#3- 9), X, ding & train whistle
Shayna Steal to Retain or Go Away: Music (BA: Ahwooga- 2)

#1: Something extra you might keep in your home for an overnight guest.
#2: How many hrs. a day do you spend on housework?
#3: A game only children play.
#4: Something people wait to buy until it’s on sale.
#5: Something people feel guilty about leaving early.

Julie: Linens (14), two (25), hopscotch (14), clothes (34) & church (41)
Jessie: Toothbrush (15), four (11), CHUTES ‘N LADDERS (2), car (20) & wedding (6)
Unsaid #1s: Blanket/comforter & tag

G2: Slefos v. Godwins (Jamaal, Kimeko, Brian, Iasha & Lucinda)

R1: Name something a stripper should NEVER wear if (s)he has to go to court:

#1: G-string/thong (38)(Emmanuel)

Slefos: Pasties/tassels (#2- 24), hooker heels/boots (T3- 10), NOTHING (#5- 4), glitter, police outfit, fishnet stockings (T3), Daisy Dukes
Jamaal Steal: Pole (#6: Sexy dress/skirt/Both unsaid on bottom: Feathers/boa & skimpy top)

R2: Name something grandma might hide when the grandkids come home:

#1: Sweets/candy (18)(Nina)

Slefos: Her moolah (#3- 14), TV remote (ON BOTTOM- 4), meds/gramp’s VIAGRA (T4- 11), booze/fireball (#2- 18), decorations/China, cigar(ette)s, (car) keys
Jamaal Steal #2: Dentures- X (T4: Her weed/Ganja/#6: Vibrator- 9)

Double: Name something you shake:

#3: My phat booty (13)(Amanda)
X- Feather (Brian)

Slefos: Margarita, salt/pepper (ONE OF TWO #1s- 16), head/hair (ONE OF THREE BAs- 5), salad, Shake Weight
Jamaal Steal #3: Hands- OTHER #1 OF SURVEY (#4: Baby rattle- 6/Leftover BAs: Paint & juice)

TRIPLE: If mice designed a trap for people what would they put in it instead of cheese?:

#2: $/LOTTO ticket (15)(Iasha)
X- TV (Ramina)

Godwins: (Laptop) computer, car (keys)(BA- 4), bling, phone
Emmanuel Steal: Booze- X (Unprovided TA: Food/pizza- 68/#3: Rat poison- 11)

SD: Something people register for.
George: Wedding (A: To vote- 62)

#1: Something people order in restaurants that starts w/ S.
#2: A big shoe size for a man.
#3: Name the itchiest part of your body.
#4: An emotion that people have trouble communicating to others.
#5: Jelly_____

Iasha: Salmon (5), 13 (23), butt (5) & anger (8)
Brian: Salad (31), 14 (12), crotch (6), sadness (21) & and peanut butter
Unsaid #1s: Back, love & bean


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