Failed to compute cache key not found not found

I have the below project structure

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d----- 4/22/2021 1:49 PM App_Start d----- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM Areas d----- 5/4/2021 7:01 PM bin d----- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM Content d----- 5/4/2021 5:59 PM Controllers d----- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM fonts d----- 8/20/2020 9:43 PM obj d----- 7/9/2020 8:43 PM Properties d----- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM Scripts d----- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM Views -a---- 5/4/2021 6:00 PM 46 .dockerignore -a---- 5/4/2021 6:00 PM 45239 foo.csproj -a---- 5/4/2021 11:21 PM 1621 foo.csproj.user -a---- 4/22/2021 1:49 PM 390 ConnectionStrings.config -a---- 5/5/2021 12:17 AM 375 Dockerfile -a---- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM 116 Global.asax -a---- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM 717 Global.asax.cs -a---- 8/13/2020 1:05 PM 1770 NLog.config -a---- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM 159853 NLog.xsd -a---- 5/4/2021 6:00 PM 9217 packages.config -a---- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM 12294 UnityConfiguration30.xsd -a---- 5/4/2021 6:00 PM 29650 Web.config -a---- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM 1308 Web.Debug.config -a---- 3/20/2020 3:35 PM 705 Web.Release.config

And I have one directory in bin directory anycodings_visual-studio-2019 that name is app.publish.

And my Dockerfile is like below:

#Depending on the operating system of the host machines(s) that will build or run the containers, the image specified in the FROM statement may need to be changed. #For more information, please see // FROM ARG source WORKDIR /inetpub/wwwroot COPY bin/app.publish .

After I run below command to build image anycodings_visual-studio-2019 from this docker file

docker build -t soroshsabz/testcoreservice .

I got the below error

[+] Building 15.1s (7/7) FINISHED => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s => => transferring dockerfile: 414B 0.0s => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s => => transferring context: 34B 0.0s => [internal] load metadata for 14.9s => [1/3] FROM 0.1s => => resolve 0.1s => [internal] load build context 0.1s => => transferring context: 2B 0.0s => CACHED [2/3] WORKDIR /inetpub/wwwroot 0.0s => ERROR [3/3] COPY bin/app.publish . 0.0s ------ > [3/3] COPY bin/app.publish .: ------ failed to compute cache key: "/bin/app.publish" not found: not found

My question is why I got this error? and how anycodings_visual-studio-2019 to resolve it?

I use Docker Engine Community 20.10.6 on anycodings_visual-studio-2019 Windows 10 20H2 19042.964

I see Docker - failed to compute cache key: anycodings_visual-studio-2019 not found - runs fine in Visual Studio and anycodings_visual-studio-2019 some internal links, but does not find any anycodings_visual-studio-2019 useful things.

I am binging my problem and find some same anycodings_visual-studio-2019 problem like Dockerfile can’t anycodings_visual-studio-2019 copy specified local directory & file or anycodings_visual-studio-2019 Windows Docker Dockerfile COPY file inside anycodings_visual-studio-2019 folder.


Answers 1 : of Docker build failed to compute cache key

Thanks to BMitch, I found my problem. anycodings_dockerfile The problem is the dockerignore file anycodings_dockerfile contains some pattern that must not anycodings_dockerfile match with COPY files name.

My problem is the patterns inside the anycodings_dockerfile dockerignore file is matched wrongly anycodings_dockerfile with bin/app.publish. To resolve my anycodings_dockerfile problem I just change the pattern in anycodings_dockerfile dockerignore.


2022-09-22T04:18:02+00:00 2022-09-22T04:18:02+00:00Answer Link



Answers 2 : of Docker build failed to compute cache key

This might be of some help to others:

I am building a .NET Core application anycodings_dockerfile with a dockerfile and had been doing anycodings_dockerfile some renaming. I got the "failed to anycodings_dockerfile compute cache key" error, because the anycodings_dockerfile filenames in the dockerfile no longer anycodings_dockerfile matched the new names I had given to the anycodings_dockerfile targeted files.

Once I fixed the naming in the anycodings_dockerfile dockerfile, everything worded as anycodings_dockerfile expected.


2022-09-22T04:18:02+00:00 2022-09-22T04:18:02+00:00Answer Link


What does Workdir do in Dockerfile?

The WORKDIR command is used to define the working directory of a Docker container at any given time. The command is specified in the Dockerfile. Any RUN , CMD , ADD , COPY , or ENTRYPOINT command will be executed in the specified working directory.

Where should Dockerignore file be?

The . dockerignore file is a special file that can be placed within the build context directory. The build context directory is the directory that we specify at the end of a docker build command.

What is difference between ADD and copy in Dockerfile?

COPY is a docker file command that copies files from a local source location to a destination in the Docker container. ADD command is used to copy files/directories into a Docker image. It only has only one assigned function. It can also copy files from a URL.

What is a Docker build context?

The docker build command builds Docker images from a Dockerfile and a “context”. A build's context is the set of files located in the specified PATH or URL . The build process can refer to any of the files in the context. For example, your build can use a COPY instruction to reference a file in the context.


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