Facebook you have been temporarily blocked from performing this action

Please SOMEONE help me.

So, I have...well, HAD....two main Facebook accounts. My ORIGINAL one had some weird thing happen where I’m not in “Facebook jail” (ya know, where it actually tells you how many days you have) but it just says “Action Blocked: you have been temporarily blocked from performing this action.” So I’m like, whatever it’ll probably just be a couple days but I made a new account and I’ve been using that one ever since. 4 months go by using this new account, and well, I recently was a bad girl and apparently said something I shouldn’t and I’m actually in Facebook jail. For the next 24 days. Ouch. It tells me how long and what I did wrong. So I’m like, “shit. What do I do. Oh! I have my other Facebook account!” I go log on, I go to post, and what do you know, the damn account STILL says, Action Blocked: you have temporarily been blocked from performing this action.” It’s been 4 FUCKING MONTHS! And it STILL isn’t telling me what I did wrong or how long this fucking block is gonna last! So, I made a new account. I’m using it fine for about 2 days and then all of a sudden...yup...you guessed it! “ACTION BLOCKED: YOU HAVE BEEN TEMPORARILY FUCKING BLOCKED FROM USING THIS FUCKING ACTION.” So, at this point I’m like FUCK YOU FACEBOOK! So I make ANOTHER account. At this point I’m sure all my friends are like, what the fuck is wrong with this bitch? Anyways, I’m using this account for about another 2 days and boom - Action Blah Blah Blah Blah motherfucking Blah Blah Blah.

So, I’ve been Googling and Googling trying to figure out what the fuck is happening and it seems to me that Facebook might think I’m some sort of SPAM account. Which is fine, whatever, but what I need to know is WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO? How can I get in contact with someone at Facebook and be able to send them a picture of the drivers license or fucking talk to someone to prove I’m not a fucking robot? Why has my original account been blocked for the last 4 FUCKING MONTHS? Why doesn’t it give me a fucking TIMEFRAME at least? There’s nothing in my support inbox telling me ANYTHING. I just want to be able to post on Facebook and I’ll go crazy if I can’t post or anything for the 24 fucking days that I’m actually in the normal “Facebook jail”.

Please for the love of God, someone help me. I literally have 4 fucking Facebook accounts right now and I don’t want to have 5 and have all my friends be like, IS THIS REALLY YOU? I just need some answers on what to do and who to contact. An email address, a phone number, ANYTHING.

Thank you for taking the time out to read this if you have and thank you for helping me if you’re able to but seriously guys, help a brotha out. 🥺🥺🥺

Facebook Error: Temporary Block

How to fix Facebook Error: Temporary block

Written by Joshua Parkinson
Updated over a week ago

Facebook will sometimes block a profile from performing certain actions — especially if they detect that the profile is:

  • spamming

  • adding too many friends

  • being reported multiple times

  • posting content that goes against the Facebook Community Standards.

Common Temporary Block Messages from Facebook

  • You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action.

  • Our security systems have detected that a lot of people are posting the same content, which could mean that it's spam. Please try a different post.

  • You recently posted something that violates Facebook policies, so you're temporarily blocked from using this feature. For more information, visit the Help Center.

  • To keep from getting blocked again, please make sure you've read and understood Facebook's Community Standards. The block will be active for (x) days and (y) hours more.

The Fix

Be patient!

Facebook will make you wait a certain period before restoring your profile's ability to post and do other activities.

Facebook Messenger, or simply Messenger, is a stand-alone instant messaging mobile application designed as a complementary application for Facebook, the original social media site. This instant messaging software separated the messaging feature from Facebook into a unique stand-alone entity.

Unlike most instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc., Messenger uses a Facebook account to establish message connections. Messenger is a subsidiary of the original Facebook, and its primary purpose is to chat with your Facebook friends using instant messaging, sharing multimedia, and all the usual gab.

One thing that sets this messaging app apart from a never-ending list of instant messaging and VoIP applications is its multilingualism. Messenger supports an astounding figure of 111 languages from across the planet. Isn’t that enticing? This app is for the English literate and locals from every country.

It also has an optional end-to-end encryption feature that ensures top-tier privacy for your private conversations.

Now, while using this application, you might have come across some particular error. It would have been like this one: “You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action.” If you are looking for a reason as to why this occurred in the first place and what to do about it, you have come to the right place.

Here, in this blog, you will find the solution to the error “You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action” and a few more common issues like retrieving deleted messages on Facebook messenger.

You will also find the answer to fix the excessive battery and memory consumption issue of Facebook messenger.

Let’s cut to the chase.

First of all, let’s talk about why this error occurs. Facebook messenger sometimes shows a temporarily blocked error when you send a message or a friend request to some account.

This could be because of a particular reason or a combination of reasons that Facebook saw it fit to temporarily block some of your actions to ensure you comply with Facebook’s community standards. This temporary block can range from a few hours to a maximum of 21 days.

The actual reasons for your account getting temporarily blocked could be one or all of these as mentioned below:

1. You Have Sent Lots of Messages to Random Facebook Accounts

Facebook has a set limit on sending messages to other accounts and displays a warning message. This warning message alerts that you are close to reaching your daily message limit to either one account or all accounts as total.

This feature is to ensure you do not spam someone’s Facebook account.

When you cross this limit, Facebook can temporarily block your Facebook account’s activities.

2. Your Messages Go Against Facebook Community Standards

When you send a message against Facebook’s Community Standards, Facebook can decide to put on a temporary embargo on your account’s actions. It is done to warn you against undertaking such activities again in the future.

This will automatically end after the set time expires, and you will have access to all features of Facebook messenger once again.

How to Fix “You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action” on Messenger

Now that we have established some significant reasons your account may get blocked temporarily let’s talk about some measures to avoid this.

It is important to note that it is only temporary even though you are blocked and cannot send any messages, media, or friend requests right now. All such blocks induced by policy violations are for some time only. They range from just a few hours up to a maximum duration of 21 days.

The duration of the block depends on the severity of policy violation. Now let’s talk about some measures you can undertake to avoid getting temporarily blocked. Following are some things you can do or not do to avoid the “You are temporarily blocked from performing this action on Messenger” error:

1. Send Messages Only to Your Friends and Trusted Businesses

You must try to message your known friends on Facebook Messenger and trusted businesses only. When you spam unknown accounts or companies via Messenger, you may get reported, or Facebook might detect excessive messages sent in a short span.

2. Post or Send Only Sensible Content

Try to avoid sharing or posting fake news, racist content, criminal intent, child abuse, etc. Facebook can detect such material and punish your account for it. To avoid such blocks, avoid sharing or posting content from questionable sources.

3. Read Facebook Community Standards

You can access and read Facebook’s Community Standards and Policy of Use on this link: //transparency.fb.com/en-gb/policies/community-standards/

Once your temporary block ends, you can resume using all of Messenger’s features. Just make sure you act responsibly and follow Facebook’s policy of use and community standards. This is the only way to avoid getting temporarily blocked.

If you keep repeating these actions and get blocked again and again, Facebook may decide to ban your account as well permanently.

Also Read:

  • How to Stop Getting Message Requests from Strangers on Facebook
  • How to Unfriend All Facebook Friends in One Click
  • How to See Who Viewed Your Facebook Story

Why is Facebook telling me I am temporarily blocked?

We may block people from doing something on Facebook when: Something you posted or shared seems suspicious or abusive to our security systems. Messages or friend requests you sent were marked unwelcome. You've done something that doesn't follow our Community Standards.

How long does temporary block last?

The temporary block is the most common action block implemented by Instagram. It usually lasts up to 24 hours. You may get it after you break some of Instagram's terms of service.


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