Dull pain in right testicle and lower right abdomen

Medically reviewed by Ebba PeroBy Darla Burke on September 10, 2012

  • Causes
  • When to seek help
  • Treatment
  • Complications
  • Prevention

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Testicle pain can be caused by nerve damage, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), gangrene, swelling, hernia, kidney stones, inflammation, enlarged veins, fluid in the testicle, or a severe condition known as testicular torsion.

Testicles are egg-shaped reproductive organs located in the scrotum. Pain in the testicles can be caused by minor injuries to the area. However, if you’re experiencing pain in the testicle, you need to have your symptoms evaluated.

Pain in the scrotum can be the result of serious conditions like testicular torsion or a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Ignoring the pain may cause irreversible damage to the testicles and scrotum.

Often, problems with the testicles cause abdominal or groin pain before pain in the testicle develops. Unexplained abdominal or groin pain should also be evaluated by your doctor.

Trauma or injury to the testicles can cause pain, but pain in the testicle is often the result of medical issues that will require treatment. These include:

  • damage to the nerves of the scrotum caused by diabetic neuropathy
  • epididymitis, or inflammation of the testicles, caused by the STI chlamydia
  • gangrene, or the death of tissues, as a result of untreated testicular torsion or trauma
  • a hydrocele, which is characterized by swelling of the scrotum
  • an inguinal hernia
  • kidney stones
  • orchitis, or inflammation of the testicle
  • a spermatocele, or fluid in the testicle
  • an undescended testicle
  • a varicocele, or a group of enlarged veins in the testicle

In some instances, pain in the testicle can be caused by a severe medical condition known as testicular torsion. In this condition, the testicle becomes twisted, cutting off blood supply to the testicle. This can cause damage to the tissue.

Testicular torsion is a medical emergency that must be treated quickly to prevent damage to the testicles. The condition occurs more frequently in males between the ages of 10 and 20.

Pain in the testicle is rarely caused by testicular cancer. Testicular cancer typically causes a lump on the testicles that’s often painless. Your doctor should evaluate any lump that forms on your testicles.

Call your doctor for an appointment if:

  • you feel a lump on your scrotum
  • you develop a fever
  • your scrotum is red, warm to the touch, or tender
  • you’ve recently been in contact with someone who has the mumps

You should seek emergency medical attention if your testicular pain:

  • is sudden or severe
  • occurs along with nausea or vomiting
  • is caused by an injury that’s painful or if swelling occurs after one hour

Pain that doesn’t require medical care can be treated at home using the following measures:

  • Wear an athletic supporter, or cup, to support the scrotum. You can find one on Amazon.
  • Use ice to reduce swelling in the scrotum.
  • Take warm baths.
  • Support your testicles while lying down by placing a rolled towel under your scrotum.
  • Use over-the-counter pain medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce pain.

With more severe pain, you’ll need to seek treatment from your doctor. Your doctor will complete a physical exam of your abdomen, groin, and scrotum to determine what’s causing your pain and will also ask you about your current health conditions and any other symptoms.

To accurately diagnose your condition, your doctor may need to order additional tests, including:

  • an ultrasound, which is a type of imaging test, of the testicles and scrotal sac
  • a urinalysis
  • urine cultures
  • an examination of secretions from the prostate, which requires a rectal exam

Once your doctor diagnoses the cause of your pain, they’ll be able to provide treatment. The treatment may include:

  • antibiotics to treat an infection
  • surgery to untwist the testicle if you have testicular torsion
  • a surgical evaluation for potential correction of an undescended testicle
  • pain medications
  • surgery to reduce fluid accumulation in the testicles

Your doctor can successfully treat most cases of pain in the testicle. An untreated infection such as chlamydia or a serious condition such as testicular torsion may result in permanent damage to your testicles and scrotum.

Damage may affect fertility and reproduction. Testicular torsion that results in gangrene can cause a life-threatening infection that can spread throughout your body.

Not all cases of pain in the testicle can be prevented, but there are some steps you can take to reduce the underlying causes of this pain. These steps include:

  • wearing an athletic supporter to prevent injury to the testicles
  • practicing safe sex, including using a condom, during intercourse
  • examining your testicles once per month to note changes or lumps
  • emptying your bladder completely when you urinate to help prevent urinary tract infections

If you practice these steps and still experience testicular pain, seek medical treatment immediately.

The Healthline FindCare tool can provide options in your area if you need help finding a doctor.

Read this article in Spanish.

Last medically reviewed on October 2, 2019

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Oct 2, 2019

Medically Reviewed By

Ebba Pero

Why does my right testicle have a dull ache?

Testicular pain can be caused by sudden injury, inflammation, sexually transmitted infections or an emergency condition called testicular torsion (twisting). This condition can cause a dull ache in the scrotum, sometimes along with swelling.

Can kidney stones cause pain to 1 testicle?

Sometimes, what seems to be testicle pain is caused by a problem that starts in the groin, abdomen or somewhere else — for example, kidney stones and some hernias can cause testicle pain.

What causes testicular pain and stomach pain?

UTIs can cause pain or a burning sensation while urinating, and this pain may extend to the testicles. A person may also experience a constant urge to urinate. Severe pain in the lower back or abdomen alongside fever, nausea, and vomiting can indicate a kidney infection, which is the most serious type of UTI.

Can appendicitis cause pain in right testicle?

indeed, perforated appendix may lead to intra-abdominal abscess that may extend to pelvic and presenting scrotal pain [4].


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