Does my puppy have separation anxiety quiz

It’s normal for your pup to look a little forlorn when you’re about to leave the house (that’s what puppy-dog eyes were made for). Fortunately, most dogs learn to cope when their owners are gone. But for others, being without their human can leave them seriously stressed out. In fact, up to 40 percent of dogs with behavior problems are diagnosed with separation anxiety, according to research in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior. While it can be tricky to distinguish between normal or bored dog behavior and separation issues, we talked to a few pro trainers who helped highlight the differences. Worried your dog might be a little too attached? Take our quiz to find out.

The nutrition your dog needs,
the food they want.

Get Started

  1. Is your dog friendly toward people s/he meets – including well-behaved children?
    Always Sometimes Never
  2. Does your dog get along with other friendly dogs, both those she lives with and those outside the family?
    Always Sometimes Never
  3. Can your dog be left alone for reasonable time periods without becoming anxious or panicked?
    Always Sometimes Never
  4. Will your dog relieve herself only where and when I want her to?
    Always Sometimes Never
  5. Does your dog readily give up control of food, toys, and other objects to me, and share her sleeping and resting places with me or other people?
    Always Sometimes Never
  6. Is your dog relaxed during normal, everyday handling and touching such as when you wipe her/his feet, brush her/him, look in her/his ears, pet her/him, look in her/his eyes, or touch her/his collar?
    Always Sometimes Never
  7. Does your dog calm down quickly after being startled or getting excited?
    Always Sometimes Never
  8. Can your dog spend her/his day without becoming fearful of normal, everyday events?
    Always   Sometimes   Never
  9. Does your dog bark only when necessary or appropriate, but not excessively?
    Always Sometimes Never
  10. Does your dog play well with people without becoming uncontrollable or too rough?
    Always Sometimes Never
  11. Does your dog play well with other dogs, without becoming uncontrollable, too rough or threatening?
    Always Sometimes Never
  12. Does your dog play with her/his own toys, and doesn’t often damage your possessions?
    Always Sometimes Never
  13. Is your dog affectionate without being needy, clingy or annoying?
    Always Sometimes Never
  14. Can your dog adapt to changes, such as travel, moving, or confinement in a carrier, with minimal problems?
    Always Sometimes Never
  15. Does your dog usually respond when you tell her/him to sit, down, come or stay even when distracted?
    Always Sometimes Never

The Dog Squad is a full service in-home Dog and Puppy Training Company serving the Oakland East Bay Area and Contra Costa County. Services include Puppy Training and Adult Dog Training Programs including all types of dog behavior problems such as aggression, destruction, barking and separation anxiety.

A Dog Obedience Class (Drop-in) is held twice a month for Current Dog Squad Clients as a supplement to their in-home dog training to help improve and maintain their obedience skills. Clients who sign up for a qualifying Dog Training Package have access to the drop-in classes for a full year. The Dog Squad also gives life time of the dog phone and email support.

Dog Training Services

Call to Set Up a Consultation 510.646.9657



  • February 11, 2021
  • Advice from HR online vet, Caring for a Dog, Dog anxiety, Dogs, Separation anxiety

Written by Dr. Ericka Carroll, VMD

Anxious Dogs: Bellowing Blues and Doggie Downers

Just like us, our canine pals can also suffer from relentless worrying, indescribable fears, and sometimes just feel down on life. Left unaddressed, these concerns can lead to physical health problems and emotional unwellness. Luckily, there are things we can do to help lift Fido’s spirits and get his tail wagging. What are the signs of dog anxiety? What are the types and causes of dog anxiety? What can be done to treat dogs with anxiety? Board-certified dog veterinarian Dr. Ericka Carroll digs into this with us.

Need help with an anxious dog? Chat with a Hello Ralphie veterinarian.

Think your dog might be anxious?

Take our quiz to see how your dog ranks in regards to anxiety levels.

What are some signs of anxiety in dogs?

Hello Ralphie: What are some of the signs of anxiety?

Dr. Carroll: Having treated hundreds of dogs with anxiety, I can say that no two are alike. 

Dogs can show anxiety in a variety of behaviors that range from hiding to pacing to destructive behaviors such as digging at walls, tearing up furniture, running away, and peeing in the house. They can also ‘’talk’’ to us in ways that range from a sad cry or whine to an agitated bark or howl. Many times pet parents will also note their anxious dogs drooling, panting, lip licking, yawning, or holding their ears pinned back. Has your pup turned into your shadow? Read more about why your dog may be following you everywhere.

What causes anxiety in dogs?

Hello Ralphie: What causes dogs to feel anxious or nervous?

Dr. Carroll: Although anxiety can develop for many reasons, I generally tend to see three main categories.

Types of anxious behavior

Fear Anxiety 

Strangers, other dogs, certain objects (i.e. umbrellas, bicycles), and certain situations (i.e. car rides, walking on hardwood floors) can trigger fear anxiety in some dogs. This behavior is typically caused by several underlying factors including genetic predisposition, inadequate socialization with the fear trigger, and a previous bad experience.

Separation Anxiety

Dogs with separation anxiety become distressed when left alone or are away from certain family members. These dogs might also seem agitated or nervous before people leave the home. Moves, changes in household members, or new routines may trigger separation anxiety. 

Noise Anxiety

Dogs can develop anxiety and phobias to many noises, such as thunder, fireworks, smoke detectors, garbage trucks, and lawnmowers. A previous negative experience or lack of early exposure to such noises are the most common reasons for noise anxiety.

What can be done to treat anxious dogs?

Hello Ralphie: What can be done to treat pups with anxiety?

Dr. Carroll: I recommend three general approaches to treating dog anxiety. 


If possible, avoiding the trigger of the anxiety can be a first good step while working through techniques to address the root cause. Although it may not be possible to completely avoid the trigger, sometimes creative steps can be taken to help. For example, white noise in the background, closing blinds to avoid seeing outside triggers, and going on walks during off-peak hours can help dampen some anxiety triggers. Additionally, creating a safe space in your home where your dog can retreat to during times of stress can help lessen the anxiety response. Working with an online veterinarian is a great way to get advice on how to set up your home to help avoid anxiety triggers in your dog’s living space. Read more on how often you should walk your dog.

Desensitization and Counterconditioning 

The goal of this technique is to slowly train your dog to have a relaxed response to an anxiety provoking trigger. After identifying the anxiety trigger, experiment with finding the lowest intensity of the trigger where no negative behaviors are elicited. Read more about dog anxiety and barking.

Over time, slowly increase the intensity while rewarding a calm, relaxed behavior with food, a toy, or belly rub. Over time, your dog will learn to associate the anxiety trigger with a positive reward rather than anxious feelings.  An online veterinarian is a great resource to help identify anxiety triggers as well as develop a counterconditioning program tailored to treat your dog.

Medical Therapies and Supplements

A variety of medications, natural supplements, and products can be very helpful to treat anxiety. Given the numerous options available, it is best to speak with a veterinarian about which options are safest for your dog and customize a plan specific for your pup’s anxiety. A virtual veterinarian can be ideal for this to help avoid any unnecessary anxiety-proving trips to a clinic.

Visit Hello Ralphie’s online pet health store

Three Anxiety Takeaways

  • There are many triggers for anxiety including fear, separation from people, and noises. 
  • Addressing a dog’s anxiety is necessary for both physical and emotional well-being. A multimodal approach is key to successful treatment. Helpful tips for dealing with excessive barking.
  • An online veterinarian can help identify anxiety triggers, as well as create a customized recommendation plan on how to best address a dog’s anxiety without a stressful trip to the clinic. 


  1. April 12, 2021 at 3:32 pm

    […] If you are still unsure if your dog’s behavior is caused by anxiety, we recommend taking our Dog Anxiety Quiz. […]

    • Link

  2. March 4, 2021 at 10:43 pm

    […] If you suspect your dog’s following could be triggered by anxiety, check out our Dog Anxiety Guideline and Anxiety Quiz. […]

    • Link

  3. March 4, 2021 at 10:39 pm

    […] To help put a stop to your dog’s incessant barking, we’ll examine why they bark in the first place. We’ll also go over some of the most effective training methods you can employ to stop your dog from barking at the neighbors. Think your dog may be exhibiting signs of anxiety? Take the quiz in our dog anxiety article. […]

    • Link

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How do I know if my puppy is having separation anxiety?

Anxious behaviors like pacing, whining, or trembling while you're gone or as you prepare to leave. Excessive barking or howling. Destructive acts, such as chewing or digging, particularly around doors or windows. Accidents in the house – urinating or defecating.

Do most puppies have separation anxiety?

While not uncommon, separation anxiety in puppies is not normal. There is a difference between your puppy exhibiting behaviors typical of an untrained dog and symptoms of a severe anxiety disorder. It's sometimes difficult to distinguish the two, but your vet will make a proper diagnosis.

How long does a puppy have separation anxiety?

For some dogs, it can take 6-8 months, for others it's 12. When you leave the house for long periods of time, you should make sure your pup has access to their bed, some drinking water, and preferably, some toys.

Does puppy separation anxiety go away?

It often takes several weeks or months for dogs to completely get over separation issues. Crate training is an option, however, some dogs that are anxious when alone are more anxious in a crate.


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