Comcast cable and internet deals for existing customers


If you are a current Comcast Xfinity customer, chances are your most recent bill was higher than the last month.

It seems as though on a regular basis, the cost of the equipment, broadcast fees, or some other fee increases for Comcast resulting in a higher bill for consumers.

So what are your options for fighting back?

Do you just accept it the price increase?

Do you call to see if there are any Comcast Xfinity deals for current customers?

Or do you just cancel service completely?

In this post, I walk you through step by step for how to get Comcast promotions for current customers.

And if you don’t want to go through the hassle yourself, skip down to tip 13 to find a super easy way to get a monthly savings 70% of the time!

Table of Contents

  • How To Get Comcast Promotions For Existing Customers
    • Trying To Get A Comcast Promotion
    • No Comcast Promotions For Current Customers
    • 13 Steps For Landing Comcast Xfinity Deals For Existing Customers
      • #1. Understand The Power Of Bundling
      • #2. Agree To A Contract
      • #3. Understand Pricing
      • #4. Bypass The Customer Service Rep
      • #5. Talk To The Retention Department
      • #6. Have A Plan Of Attack
      • #7. Stick To The Plan
      • #8. Take Your Time
      • #9. Cancel If Needed
      • #10. Go To Twitter
      • #11. Have An Alternate Plan Of Attack
      • #12. Skip The Hassle And Use Trim
      • #13. Get Rid Of Cable Boxes And More
    • How To Save The Most Money On Your Cable Bill
      • #1. TV Antenna
      • #2. Network/Program Websites
      • #3. Sling TV
      • #4. Netflix
      • #5. Amazon Prime
      • #6. Hulu
      • #7. Disney+
    • Final Thoughts

Trying To Get A Comcast Promotion

In the past, one of the easiest ways to save money on your cable bill was to call and ask for any Comcast renewal deals.

I would do this on a regular basis.

Every few months I would call asking for a Comcast promo.

Usually I would be able to extend my current deal another six months.

For me, that 5 minute call was well worth the money I was saving.

However, fast forward and my latest Comcast promotion ended.

The same routine began with me calling to continue my deal, only this time, I was not offered a deal.

No problem as I thought it was just the person I was dealing with since I had encountered this before.

I decided to call back again in another day and have a different agent give me a list of Comcast promotions.

But after that call, I still had no promotion.

After many more frustrating calls, I got a representative that told me Comcast introduced a new policy.

They are no longer offering rolling promotions to existing customers.

It makes no sense, but I’ll do my best to explain it.

No Comcast Promotions For Current Customers

A rolling promotion is when I would get a six month deal on my cable bill.

When the six months ended, I called back and got the same promotion extended for another six months.

After those six months, I get it extended again with another phone call.

Rinse and repeat every six months.

The deal was great as I was saving about $25 a month on my bill.

That comes to $300 a year in savings.

But now, it is harder to find Comcast deals for current customers.

After I called once again, I talked with a rep in the cancellation department who was very helpful at helping me to still get a deal on my cable service.

This is important. Even though they don’t roll over promotions as they did before, you can still get Comcast discounts on your monthly bill.

Here are the steps I use to land a Comcast Xfinity deal for current customers.

If you follow these, I am certain you too will be able to lower your bill.

13 Steps For Landing Comcast Xfinity Deals For Existing Customers

Based on my experience and others, the odds of getting Comcast to lower your cable bill with a Comcast new customer promo as an existing customer is impossible.

And most of the special offers you see advertised, especially the online deals, are for new customers only.

Your best option to get a better price on your Xfinity service is to go the contract route.

Here is your plan when you call to score a deal on your cable bill.

#1. Understand The Power Of Bundling

Before you even call to try to lower your Comcast bill, you have to understand how bundling can save you money.

Currently, they offer the following services:

  • Xfinity TV (Xfinity X1 in many areas)
  • High-Speed Internet
  • Xfinity Voice (Home Phone service)
  • Home Security
  • Xfinity Mobile

The key for Comcast discounts is to bundle these services.

This is when you purchase two or more services.

If you bundle two services, it is called a double play.

Bundle three services and it is called a triple play.

Now, if you absolutely have no need or interest in more than one service, it probably won’t make sense to bundle deals.

But otherwise it is a great way to save money.

For example, we use Comcast cable and internet.

They usually have deals for this double play bundle.

And sometimes, they have a better deal for their triple play which adds home phone service.

Don’t be quick to dismiss the phone service even if you don’t need it.

You don’t have to hook up the phone but you can still get the savings.

#2. Agree To A Contract

I know it sounds scary to agree to contract, but hear me out.

You can sign up for a 1-year agreement or 2 year contract.

The better savings are on the 2 year contract.

If you don’t plan to move, this is a good option.

And even if you plan to move, you might still be in luck.

This is because Comcast has a huge service area and you can just change the address on your bill and keep the same contract.

I love that I can in a price and don’t have to worry about a skyrocketing bill.

The only catch here is taxes and fees do increase your bill, so it can increase a few dollars each year.

Also, there is an early termination fee, but it only applies if you cancel your service.

You can still change your service by upgrading or downgrading while in a contract.

Finally, if you decide to go this route, make sure you fully understand the contract the representative explains to you.

Most times the prices are good for the entire term.

But in some cases, some prices can increase in the second year.

For example, a recent deal I received was free HBO and cable boxes for the first year.

The second year I had to start paying for them, so my bill would increase.

I was OK with this as I was saving a lot of money that first year.

But had I not understood the deal, I would have been mad that my bill increased in the second year.

#3. Understand Pricing

In order to know if you are getting good offers on Comcast products, you need to know the prices of each service.

Below is a chart for Xfinity internet plans and cable TV.

For internet packages, the prices vary based on internet speed.

The higher the download speed, the pricier the plan.

The same idea applies for cable TV as well.

The more digital channels in the package, the higher the price.

A critical way to save money as a new Comcast customer is if you are a senior citizen or a low income household.

For senior citizens, you can get a savings on both internet and cable.

As for low income households, you can get Xfinity Internet Essentials for just $9.95 a month.

While they advertise these deals as being new customer only, you might be able to work a deal as a current customer.

If you are still unsure about the packages, call the Xfinity customer service number and talk to a rep who will walk you through everything.

#4. Bypass The Customer Service Rep

At the end of the day, the customer service rep can only do so much.

Think about your job and the decisions you can make without needing approval.

The same idea applies here.

Giving discounts that aren’t on the monthly promotional sheet aren’t possible with this person.

And most customer service reps only have a few basic promotions they can offer.

Save yourself the aggravation and don’t waste your time talking to this department.

#5. Talk To The Retention Department

When you are in the voice-prompt menu, listen for when it mentions upgrading or downgrading your service.

These are the people you want to talk to.

Since you are potentially downgrading or canceling your service, this department has a wealth of Comcast Xfinity promotions for existing customers in the form of contracts.

But before you start talking to them, have a plan and stick to it.

#6. Have A Plan Of Attack

The number one thing you need to do is to stay nice and calm.

Have a polite conversation with them and laugh at their jokes.

This will make them like you more and want to help you.

The minute you get mean, the less likely you will get help and save money.

Stay calm and explain that you cannot afford the price you are paying for service and you are thinking of canceling your service.

Before you cancel, you just wanted to see if there is any promotion or discount that you qualify for.

#7. Stick To The Plan

The reps have gotten better at this and will come back with offers that you think are deals.

They will tell you that there is a discount on the “every channel we have plus more” package.

Stand your ground.

While these sound good at first, here is what is happening.

You are getting more channels for the same price you are paying now.

Remember what your goal was? It was to lower your monthly bill!

Adding more channels for the same price doesn’t help you.

It helps Comcast avoid lowering your bill!

But we fall for it, myself included, because we focus on the deal.

More channels without paying more? Sign me up!

When the promotion package rate expires, you will be paying more, much more, than you are now.

They suckered my Mom into this.

She had every channel known to man. I was considering moving back home!

After her promotion, her bill went from $133 per month to $296 per month.

She almost had a heart attack.

To summarize, make sure you don’t fall for this trick.

To beat Comcast at this game, I would have a piece of paper in front of me with a big sentence saying “MY GOAL IS TO END UP PAYING LESS THAN $XXX”.

It helped to remind me of how I wanted the call to end.

#8. Take Your Time

After they offer the first set of “deals”, pause for a minute as if you are thinking it over.

Then politely decline.

Ask if they have anything else.

Repeat this a few more times.

In the past, I’ve gotten the best deal after the third time I asked if there was anything else they could offer.

#9. Cancel If Needed

If they can’t offer you lower prices, then tell them you will think about the best offer they gave you and call back.

In a few days, call back and try again.

You will get a different customer service rep and they might be able to offer you a better deal.

In my latest experience with this, I was offered a savings of $10 a month.

It was better than nothing, but I wanted more savings.

I said I would think about it and called back 4 days later.

This time the customer service rep from Xfinity offered me discounts on my cable boxes and applied a promotion they had for HBO.

In all, I saved $25 a month.

If this follow up call would have not saved me more money, I would have taken a more drastic step.

In this case, say you would like to cancel.

This is your last resort.

They want to see if you are serious or not.

Tell them that you don’t want to cancel, but the price is just too much.

Many times they will make a last-ditch effort.

In some cases they won’t.

I’ve canceled my cable, effective the end of the billing cycle many times. Then the next day I call back and tell them to ignore the cancellation.

I will take one of the deals they mentioned, assuming it is a good deal.

#10. Go To Twitter

If all else fails, go to Twitter and tweet about how you can’t afford your bill and ask for help.

Be sure to include their Twitter handle (@comcastcares) in the tweet.

You’ll most likely get a direct message from a Comcast rep to help you out.

This sounds crazy, but it works.

I’ve done this with other companies and 99% of the time it worked.

When I couldn’t get what I wanted with a phone call, I got what I wanted through a tweet.

#11. Have An Alternate Plan Of Attack

An alternate plan of attack is to grab a flyer from one of the other cable providers in your area.

Tell the Comcast rep you want to cancel service and go with their competitor with the lower price.

Be sure to name the competitor.

I’ve found that most times, Comcast will match the pricing you quote.

Of course, you need to actually have a quote from a competitor. You can’t just make it up.

If you claim you are getting every channel for $9.95, Comcast will know you are lying.

The only catch to this plan is that you will most likely have to sign up for a contract with Comcast to lock in the price, as the competitor pricing assumes a contract as well.

#12. Skip The Hassle And Use Trim

If you don’t feel like going through the hassle of trying find Comcast Xfinity promotions for existing customers as I outlined above I don’t blame you.

It is frustrating and takes a ton of time to jump through all of their hoops as they try to wear you down.

You might think just taking their current price is OK.

But it isn’t.

You can save money on your cable bill.

You just have to use Trim.

They are a service that will negotiate your cable bill and get you a Comcast promotion.

Typically they get users a promotion 70% of the time with an average savings of $30 a month!

Click the link below to see how much money you will save.

They even will try to get you a discount based on outages in your area. After all, why pay for cable if you can’t access anything?

In the event they can’t, they will try again the following month.

It’s simple to use and is a must for anyone who hates negotiating and paying full price for cable.

They’ll also cancel unused subscriptions and find you cash back too!

#13. Get Rid Of Cable Boxes And More

Here is one more strategy to save money on your Xfinity bill.

You can buy a Roku device and use the Xfinity Stream app to watch TV.

By doing this you can return your cable box and save the monthly rental fee.

For my parents, they have a basic box in a spare bedroom.

It is there so when we have an overnight visit, we can watch TV.

But 90% of the time, the TV goes unwatched.

In other words, they are wasting $7.50 a month (or $90 a year) by having this box.

  • Read now: Click here to learn the biggest wastes of your money

I bought them a Roku stick and watch cable on that device.

Their cable bill is $7.50 less every month.

For us, we did this in our bedroom. Our cable box rental cost us $10 a month.

The savings adds up to over $100 a year.

And when you add the $10 into the $25 I am saving from my latest negotiation, I am saving $35 a month or over $400 a year!

Of course there is an upfront cost to Roku, but you can get it for under $50 at Amazon.

This means you are guaranteed to save money in the first year when replacing a cable box.

Here is the Roku we are using.

Another way to lower your bill is to stop renting an internet modem.

You can buy a modem instead for $100.

While this will be more expensive upfront, after a year, you will be saving money.

How To Save The Most Money On Your Cable Bill

Let’s say after reading all of this, you have decided you’ve had enough with cable.

You want to cancel but need an idea of some potential alternatives for cutting the cord.

  • Read now: Here are the best alternatives to cable TV

Or maybe you want to know your options so you can lower your cable package and get a cheaper price on your bill.

Here are various ways that you can still watch television and movie programming after cutting the cord for a fraction of what cable charges you.

#1. TV Antenna

This is not your grandmother’s “rabbit ears,” though it works in a similar way.

You can either mount an antenna to your roof or hide it inside your house and still get a handful of local channels like ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CW, PBS, etc.

Here is my favorite antenna. As you can see, they look nothing like the antenna’s you are used to seeing.

The key is getting one with a large range, like between 50 and 75 miles so you can get the most stations.

#2. Network/Program Websites

Many top serial programs (Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, The Daily Show, or network nightly news) have their own websites.

You can often go there just after a new program airs and catch it on the website for a couple of days.

You can also search the site for past episodes and get caught up too.

#3. Sling TV

For about $20 a month for the basic package and up to $40 a month for all the channels offered, Sling TV gives you live programming on some of the more popular cable networks.

This includes ESPN, TBS, Cartoon Network, Bravo, A&E, Fox Sports, CNN and History Channel, among others.

There is no contract or commitment here.

You can go month to month if you are more of a seasonal watcher of shows or sports.

You can try SlingTV for free for 7 days by clicking here!

#4. Netflix

Arguably the biggest streaming service out there.

For $13 a month you get access to thousands of movies and TV programs.

You even get some compelling original content like “House of Cards,” “Longmire” and “Orange is the New Black.”

You can upload the app to your mobile devices and you can run the service on up to two devices at once.

The downside is that Netflix purges its library every month.

You won’t get messages telling you what is leaving and what is coming.

You have to look that up yourself and be aware if one of your favorite shows is scheduled to be on the chopping block.

#5. Amazon Prime

This is where Netflix’s main competition lies.

If a show was on Netflix, it may well end up here, and vice versa.

Amazon Prime is $99 a year and gives you access to more than just streaming TV shows and movies.

You can also stream music, borrow e-books and get free two-day shipping on most any order through Amazon.

You can try Prime out for $3 for 30 days here.

#6. Hulu

Hulu has come on as the latest competition.

Like Amazon and Netflix, Hulu offers recent seasons of popular shows.

The focus is on the recent episodes. Hulu can put up episodes within a couple days after airing.

The other two main services upload a full season when the newest seasons starts, meaning you have to wait a while to get caught up.

#7. Disney+

Disney Plus is a must have if you have small children.

We got it and as a result, were able to downgrade our cable plan.

Most of the kids channels are on a higher priced plan.

By downgrading we save $25 a month.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, getting Xfinity deals for current customers is a lot harder than it used to be.

In most cases, to get a Comcast promotion, you are going to have to sign an agreement.

This isn’t the end of the world since your price will be locked in for a set amount of time.

But you still will have to call when you contract is up to try to get another Comcast promotion.

This is why I love Trim so much.

It saves me money without having to worry.

Below is the link again to try Trim out.

Whatever you end up deciding on doing, do something.

Don’t just sit back and let your cable company raise your bill whenever they feel like it.

Take action to save yourself some money.

  • Read now: Click here for over 100 ways to save money
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Can existing Comcast customers get deals?

Does Xfinity Offer Deals for Existing Customers? Xfinity doesn't usually announce deals for existing customers. You will need to contact their customer service in a retail store or by calling 800-934-6489. Ask them whether you can receive any discounts from upgrading your current plan.

Does Comcast have a loyalty department?

Additionally, the loyalty department has the highest level of discretion at Comcast to process discounts to keep you as a customer. There's two numbers you can call: (800) 266-2278 and (800) 934-6489.

What are the Xfinity promotions?

Xfinity Deals and Promotions.
Get internet + streaming for $30/mo. when you add Xfinity Mobile..
Save up to $60/mo. bundling internet, TV, and mobile..
Free Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots..
Free Xfinity Flex 4K streaming box..

How much is Comcast Internet by itself?

Can I get Xfinity internet-only? Yes, Xfinity offers internet-only plans between $19.99 per month for 75 Mbps and $299.95 per month for 3,000 Mbps download speeds. Your exact Xfinity internet plans will depend on Xfinity's options in your area.


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