Clearly secure glass block windows installation

sponge to clean up and of course a tape

measure to get the proper measurement

will also recommend safety glasses and

gloves be warned the installation begins

with measuring the width of the

foundation opening always looking for

the narrowest point if the sides are

uneven you should measure the openings

as if the window and its frame were

already removed and the height is taken

from under the lintel to the top of the

foundation still be sure to measure each

of the windows you plan to replace even

though they may look identical you'll

find they're very durable when properly

stored and handled just remember to pick

them up from the opposite corners and

always store and transport them standing

or lying flat now you're ready to remove

the old window first take out the sash

which is the removable part of the

window and usually slips out pretty

easily next bend out the frame metal

frames like these are anchored to the


so bend the top down and the bottom up

to free the frame use wooden blocks to

avoid damage to the building while

prying by the way wood frames are

removed the same way except in the case

of wood you want to solve through the

top and the bottom before using the

wrecking bar to break them free now

we'll just knock off this mortar filler

and then the opening is ready for our

glass block window now it's time to mix

the mortar you can use a white premix

glass block mortar which is a

high-strength masonry

we recommend for its water resistance

strength and compatibility with glass

block or if you prefer a gray color you

can use a type s mortar mix you can mix

the mortar by hand with a trowel or with

a paddle mixer the consistency should

resemble cookie dough

we also suggest you protect the

surrounding masonry with some wide

masking tape so the mortar doesn't stain

any of the brick once the mortar is

mixed you're ready to set the window

first we'll trial down about half an

inch of mortar across the sill smooth it

out and then place a few wedges or shims

on the sill these shims will help you

level the window and hold it into place

while the mortar sets set the glass

block window on top of the wedges and

tilt it into place and it's a good idea

to have somebody on the inside to steady

the window while you're securing it so

it doesn't fall through check it for

level if necessary shift the window to

Center it using the pry bar and adjust

the wedge now check it for plumb tilt

the top in or out as needed then snug

the wedges once your window is level and

plumb place additional shims at the top

directly above the shims at the sill to

secure the window now we can finish

mortaring the glass block window into

place run your trowel through the mortar

a few times to make it viable load of

fuel trowel fools into the grout bag

fold the top over a couple of times

slip the tip into the space between the

window and the foundation and squeeze

just like icing a cake

you may also forego the grout bag and

simply mortar the window into place

using your trowel you may find a tuck

pointer to be helpful in pushing the

mortar into the joints as well continue

to force that mortar all around the

entire perimeter of the window you want

to do this on both the interior and

exterior of your window use the trowel

to smooth the mortar make sure there are

no voids now let the mortar set for

about a half an hour there's a common

question by the way that says why can't

someone just come along and kick out

this window well as we mentioned earlier

mortar is a high-strength masonry cement

that when it's set will hold that

windows securely into your foundation

and you're not likely to come along and

kick one of those

preassembled glass block windows can

also be used in window openings up to 25

square foot in size now had this been a

much larger opening we would have had to

install the window in two or more

sections let's take a look at how you've

seen two glass block window sections

together to fill a larger opening first

you will need to make sure you have a

seam kit which consists of a special

flat vinyl spacer strip made for the

glass block and a tube of glass block

silicon why use glass box silicon well

glass box silicon has a specific

formulation that allows it to bond to

both glass and the type of vinyl used to

make most glass block accessories before

setting your first glass block window

section into place measure and cut your

vinyl spacer to the appropriate length

if needed after setting and securing the

bottom panel into the window opening run

two beads of glass box silicon the full

length of the window each speed of

silicon should be applied behind the

glass blocks raised edges the beads of

silicone should be a quarter inch thick

next place the spacer strip over the two

beads of silicone on the top of the

first window panel make sure the spacer

strip is centered now run two more beads

of glass box silicone along the side of

the spacer strip keep the silicon about

a quarter inch away from the edge of the

spacer strip now you're ready to set the

second window panel on top of the spacer

strip finish securing the second glass

block window panel into place run a bead

of glass block silicon between the two

sections you have just joined together

to completely seal the joint go back and

squeeze in a small dab of silicon where

the corners of the block meet this will

help prevent any moisture from entering

the window system now let's go back and

take a look at how our glass block

window installation is coming along well

the mortars been setting up for about a

half an hour and it's time to pull out

those wedges and fill in the holes use

the trial to force mortar into the holes

and make sure they're packed full and

then just smooth out all around the

window to create a professional looking

finish dampen an old paint brush or

inexpensive chip brush and run it over

the mortar joints with a clean rag or

sponge remove all of the excess mortar

before it starts to set

be careful not to disturb your mortar

joints while they continue to set up

when the window surface drives there may

be a white film that will come off with

a damp sponge or paper towel hey that

looks pretty good and only took a couple

of hours they're really pretty

straightforward to install and it only

takes a few tools you measure the rough

opening remove the existing frame

prepare the opening mix the mortar set

the window mortar it into place finish

it off and clean it up what could be


How much does it cost to install glass block windows?

The average cost for a glass block windows installation is $400 to $1,100 per window. You can order pre-built glass block windows and can assume the costs to be around $18 per square of glass block or $25 for frosted privacy window squares.

Is glass block hard to install?

We'll show you how to install a preassembled glass block panel for a basement window. This is much easier than installing a traditional window. In fact, it's nearly foolproof. All you need are a few tools and a few hours and you'll be done!


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