Can you move a creek on your property

Not all border wars make national headlines, but that doesn't make them any easier to resolve. It could be a tree that hangs over a neighbor's yard, or a fence built long-ago that isn't on the actual boundary line. Such property-related issues can turn normally friendly neighbors into bitter enemies. Before your property issue turns into war, consult Arizona property line and fence law for a solution.

Quick Look: Arizona Property Line and Fence Laws

This chart provides a summary of key Arizona laws relevant to property line and fence disputes.

State Statutes
  • Arizona § 12-1251 Real Property: Right of Recovery
  • Arizona § 3-1424 No Fence Districts
  • Arizona § 13-1602 Criminal Damage to Property
  • Arizona § 13-1502 Criminal Trespass
Proving Private Nuisance A plaintiff must prove each of the following:
  • Plaintiff owns the land or has the right to possess it;
  • Defendant acted in a way that interferes with the plaintiff's enjoyment and use of their property;
  • Defendant's interference was substantial and unreasonable.
Local Fence Regulations
  • City of Phoenix Residential fences
  • City of Tucson Fence permits
  • City of Flagstaff Zoning code

Note: State laws are always subject to change through the passage of new legislation, rulings in the higher courts (including federal decisions), ballot initiatives, and other means. While we strive to provide the most current information available, please consult an attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.

Fence and Property Line Law in Urban Arizona

A property line is the legal border between two pieces of land, and is often marked by a fence, trees, or bushes. Disputes arise when people have different opinions about the use or appearance of their shared or neighboring property. Although Arizona does not have laws specifically addressing residential fences and trees, the state takes a common law approach to resolving many issues. Unfortunately, this means that your border disagreement may need to be resolved in a court of law. It's also possible that your city or county has local rules that affect your dispute.

Living in a "No Fence" District

Fencing in much of rural Arizona is governed by a series of statutes pertaining to keeping livestock. A county can be designated a "No Fence" open-range district, which places liability for property damage by stray livestock on the livestock owner. Living in a No Fence district does not mean you cannot have a fence. The designation is about placing liability for damage on the proper party. So in a district that is not designated open range, damage from stray livestock is on the property owner.

Neighbors Share Responsibility for a Boundary Fence

Boundary fences are considered mutually owned, so both parties are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the fence. If the neighbor's dog destroys part of the fence, technically you'd both be responsible for the cost of repair. However, your neighbor would be liable for any damage the dog caused to your property. The shared nature of a boundary fence also means that no one neighbor can remove or modify an existing fence without the other neighbor's permission.

Can a Neighbor's Fence or Trees Block Your View?

The recognized rule in Arizona is that blocking or obstructing a landowner's view does not constitute a private nuisance without a statute or easement that says otherwise. So yes, your neighbor can block your view unless there is a view ordinance, zoning law, subdivision rule, or existing easements.

One exception is that the neighbor cannot deliberately block your view with a structure that has no use to your neighbor. In such a case, you could have the tree or fence removed as a private nuisance, but you must show substantial and unreasonable harm.

Trees Maintenance Along Property Lines

Swimming pools and shade trees are an effective way to stay cool in the Arizona heat. However, when a neighbor's shade tree starts dropping leaves into your pool, it can damage your pool. In Arizona, you can trim the branches of a neighbor's tree that hang over your property line as long as you do not kill the tree.

Arizona has one unusual twist on this rule: the neighbor owning the trees is generally not required to reimburse the neighboring homeowner for the cost of trimming the overhanging branches.

Get Legal Help with Your Property Line Dispute

It's all too easy for disagreements between neighbors to get blown out of proportion. What starts as a discussion over a shared fence or tree can turn into a test of wills. An experienced real estate attorney can evaluate your dispute from a neutral perspective and offer a strategy for resolution. If you're involved in a property dispute, consider calling an Arizona real estate attorney near you for help.

Are creeks private property Virginia?

Are creeks private property Virginia? The bottomland beneath a creek will normally be privately owned because most creeks are not navigable. The water flowing in a creek, however, is not private property. Similarly, the fish, amphibian and other wildlife in the creek are not private property.

Do I own the creek on my property in NC?

North Carolina is a riparian state, meaning that anyone who owns land adjoining surface water has the right to make reasonable use of that water. In other words, you can't separate the right to use water in a stream from the ownership of the land beside the stream.

Are creeks private property in TN?

“Under Tennessee law title to the bed of a navigable stream, to the low-water mark, is publicly held and belongs to the State.” Uhlhorn v. Keltner, 637 S.W. 2d 844, 846 (Tenn. 1982) (citing State v.

Are creeks private property in Ohio?

The waters of Ohio's public waterways (streams and rivers) belong to the state of Ohio, however, the land beneath the water belongs to the landowner(s) on either side of the stream, whether owned publicly or privately.

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