Can you have multiple youtube channels on one google account

Since it was founded in 2005, YouTube has grown into a video behemoth and search engine giant. Thanks to its 1.9 billion users, it has become a firm favorite for marketers around the world. If you’re looking to grow your business, you’d be doing yourself a huge favor by opening and running a YouTube channel. All you need to start is an email address.

But what if you want to have multiple YouTube channels? Does that mean you need to create multiple emails? Thankfully, there’s an easy solution. Let’s look at how to create multiple YouTube channels under one email address.

Should You Have Multiple YouTube Channels?

If you run a small business with a single vertical, then a single YouTube channel could be just fine. If you’re exclusively into recipes, for instance, all of your videos would look just fine packed in a single channel.

But what if, in addition to cooking, you’re interested in physical fitness? Clearly, your channel would look a bit unorganized if a video on workout regiments appeared sandwiched between a pasta recipe and another one on pancakes.

What’s the message here? It’s simple. If your business has multiple verticals, it would be more appropriate to create a separate channel for each. And there are actually more good reasons for doing so :

  • You’ll be able to create a more visible and more attractive portfolio of videos and grow your audience much faster.
  • It improves your SEO score, and it will be easier for interested users to find you.

By creating multiple YouTube channels, you automatically turn your account into a brand account. Your brand account is linked to your personal account. This means that to create multiple channels, you need a starter Google account created using your email address.

Let’s jump right in and see how you can create multiple YouTube channels under just a single email address.

So here’s how it works:

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Open the operations menu by clicking on your avatar.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Click on Create a new channel. This will open a new page where you’ll be prompted to create a brand account.
  5. Enter a name for your new channel. If you’re a business, you should generally use your company’s name. That way, your viewers will instantly recognize your brand.
  6. Hit the Create button to complete the process.

Once you’ve taken the above steps, YouTube will instantly create a new channel and direct you to your channel dashboard. You can now proceed to create more channels– all under your brand account.

You can also customize a newly created channel by adding things like a detailed description, contact email, and location.

How to Add Multiple Users to Manage Your YouTube Channel

Like any other product, your YouTube content needs to be refined from time to time, and you also need to respond to your viewers in the comments section. Combined, these tasks can be a bit overwhelming. But the good thing is that you can add multiple users to manage your account. And the best part is that you don’t need to share your username and password with them.

You only need to do the following:

  1. Open YouTube and sign in as the brand account owner.
  2. Click on your avatar in the top right corner.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Click on Add or remove manager(s). This option appears under Account.
  5. Click on Manage Permissions.
  6. You’ll be prompted to reenter your password just to confirm that you’re indeed the account owner.
  7. Select the Invite new users button in the top right corner.
  8. Proceed to enter the email addresses of the people you’d like to add as managers. While at it, you can allocate a person one of three roles: owner, manager, or communications manager.
  9. Hit the Invite button. YouTube will send all the users an invite to manage the account.

How to Delete Multiple YouTube Channels

Sometimes, opening a new channel may not work out as you’d envisioned. It could be that growing your followers is painfully slow, and you’d like to withdraw and strategize, or maybe you’ve finally ditched an idea that you feel no longer aligns with the long-term goals of your business. You may even have decided to merge your content under a single channel going forward.

Whatever the pain point, the most appropriate decision would be to delete the channel. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open YouTube and sign in as the brand account owner.
  2. Click on your avatar in the top right corner.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Click on Advanced settings.
  5. From the resulting window, click on Delete channel. At this point, you’ll be prompted to permanently delete your content or temporarily hide it.
  6. Click on Permanently delete.
  7. Click on Delete my content.

And you’re done!

Tips for Managing Multiple YouTube Channels

Managing multiple YouTube channels isn’t too difficult, but there are certain chords you should try to strike to ensure that every channel resonates with its audience.

Here’s what you need:

  1. Ensure that your brand is as conspicuous as possible
    Your brand is your strength. Make sure that every user that visits your channel can instantly connect with your business. And that means adding your official logo as the channel icon. If you have a brand tagline, be sure to include it somewhere in your channel’s bio.
  2. Have the perfect channel description
    A killer description is key to unlocking your visibility. You should keep it brief but use keywords to boost your channel’s SEO. You may also include a link to your website if you have one.
  3. Stick to a predictable publishing schedule
    To keep your viewers coming back for more, it’s important to have a consistent, predictable publishing schedule. If you decide to publish one video per week, for instance, you could make it 4 PM every Tuesday, but stick to it.

Additional FAQs

1. Why Should I Have Two YouTube Accounts With One Email?

Having multiple accounts under one email can help you to better organize your content by gathering all videos on a specific genre or niche under one account. This makes the videos more presentable and easier to search.

2. Can I Use One AdSense Account for Multiple YouTube Channels?

Yes. You can link multiple YouTube channels to a single AdSense account. You can monetize more than one channel with the same AdSense account.

3. How Many YouTube Channels Can You Have per Email?

You can create up to 50 channels under one email.

Make the Most of YouTube via Multiple Channels

YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms today, and you can easily use it to grow your idea from scratch. But even if other ideas come up later, nothing should hold you back. All you have to do is open multiple channels and share your creativity with the world.

How many YouTube channels do you run? What’s your experience switching from one channel to another?

Let us know in the comments section below.

Disclaimer: Some pages on this site may include an affiliate link. This does not effect our editorial in any way.

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How many YouTube channels can one Google Account have?

You can manage up to 100 channels from one Google Account. Learn how to use Brand Accounts to manage your YouTube channels.

How do I add multiple YouTube channels to one account?

Adding a second channel to your account..
Make sure you're signed into YouTube (or Google).
Go to the YouTube channel switcher..
Click “Create a new channel”.
Enter the name of your new channel..
Click “Create”.

How many channels can one Google Account create?

With one Google login you can manage/create multiple Youtube channel (Up to 50)

Is it better to have multiple YouTube channels on one account?

Having more than one YouTube channel will clearly define what you want to talk about, which will make your content more discoverable to those looking for it. And because you've got a clear focus for each channel, you're more likely to grow a larger audience in the long run.


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