Can you get cavities between your teeth

While cavities can form in any part of the tooth, it is most commonly seen between two teeth. This is often because there is a small gap or space between the teeth that allows bacteria and food particles to get trapped. When these particles are not removed, they can start to break down the tooth enamel and cause a cavity to form.

If you think you may have a cavity between your teeth, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible. Cavities can be treated with fillings or other dental treatments, but the sooner they are caught, the easier they are to treat. If you wait too long, the cavity can become larger and cause more serious problems.

How Common is It to Have A Cavity Between Your Teeth?

Cavities between your teeth are actually quite common. In fact, according to the American Dental Association, about 30% of cavities occur in-between teeth. This is because there are many places for food and bacteria to get trapped when there is a space between your teeth. If these particles are not removed, they can start to eat away at the tooth enamel and cause a cavity.

The good news is that cavities between teeth can be prevented with proper oral hygiene. This means brushing and flossing regularly, as well as visiting the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. If you do have a cavity, it is important to see a dentist so that it can be treated before it gets worse.

Signs of Cavities Between Your Teeth

There are several signs that you may have a cavity between your teeth. These include:

  • Tooth pain or sensitivity
  • Visible holes or pits in your teeth
  • Dark spots on your teeth
  • White spots on your teeth
  • Pain when biting down

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible. Cavities can be treated with fillings or other dental treatments, but the sooner they are caught, the easier they are to treat.

How are Cavities Between Teeth Fixed?

Cavities between teeth are typically treated with fillings. Fillings are made of materials like amalgam (which is a mixture of metals) or composite (which is a plastic and tooth-colored material). The type of filling that is used will depend on the size and location of the cavity, as well as your personal preferences.

In some cases, a crown may be needed to treat a cavity. A crown is a cap that is placed over the tooth to restore its shape and function. Crowns are usually made of porcelain or ceramic and can be matched to the color of your natural teeth.

If the cavity is large or has caused damage to the tooth, you may need a root canal. This is a procedure where the dentist removes the damaged tissue from inside the tooth and fills it with a material called gutta-percha. Root canals are usually only needed when the cavity has reached the pulp (the center of the tooth where the nerves and blood vessels are located).

Contact Family Tree Dental To Have A Cavity Filled

If you are located in Southeast Ohio and you are worried about having a cavity between your teeth, contact Family Tree Dental. We have locations in Belpre and Marietta as well as Parkersburg, WV. We would be happy to help you with any issues you are having with your teeth. We offer a variety of dental services, including fillings, crowns, and root canals. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

A general dentist can treat all sorts of cavities, including the ones that occur between teeth. The medical term for this type of decay is an interproximal cavity. It is the result of the erosion of the protective outer layer of teeth called the enamel. It is the strongest part of the body, but it is constantly being bombarded by acids made by oral bacteria and acids in the things the person consumes.

Oral bacteria stick to a person's teeth embedded inside plaque or tartar. These are deposits that form on a person's teeth when food particles and bacteria are not regularly removed. The bacteria in the plaque or tartar break down all the carbohydrates and sugars they come in contact with into acids that create holes on teeth surfaces.

How a general dentist diagnoses interproximal cavities

Interproximal cavities are harder to detect visually since they form in the tight spaces between a person's teeth. A bite-wing x-ray is typically used to make a good assessment. It makes it possible for the dentist to detect such cavities in their early stages.

If the patient's interproximal cavity has not made it more than halfway through the enamel of the affected tooth, a fluoride treatment can be used to remineralize it. If the cavity has already made it past the enamel, fillings become the standard treatment. Composite resin fillings are preferred for this task since they can be color-matched to the person's teeth.

Like a typical cavity, an interproximal one will find its way into the pulp chamber if it is not treated. When this occurs, a root canal can be performed to treat the tooth. If the tooth is left untreated, it will eventually become infected. If the infection makes its way to the tooth's roots, an extraction might be needed to prevent the infection from reaching vital organs, where it can be life-threatening.

Common symptoms and signs of cavities between teeth

Here are some signs that indicate a person might have an interproximal cavity:

  • Sensitivity when the tooth comes in contact with hot or cold things
  • Sensitivity caused by sugary foods and beverages
  • Pain when chewing with the tooth

Preventing cavities between teeth

An effective way to keep cavities away from the spaces between teeth is by flossing daily and brushing twice each day. Flossing removes plaque from the tight areas the bristles of a toothbrush cannot reach. A fluoride-infused mouthwash provides an additional layer of protection against tooth decay. Fluoride treatments can be used to remineralize teeth that have lost some of their enamel.

Our general dentist is here to help

Good oral hygiene goes a long way when it comes to keeping any type of cavities at bay. Flossing is particularly important when it comes to interproximal decay since brushing does not do much to clean the spaces between teeth. By flossing daily, the areas between your teeth will be as clean as the rest of your mouth.

Any existing cavities can be treated with fluoride, fillings or a root canal. Stop by our clinic and explore your options with a dentist.

Request an appointment here: // or call Pacific Coast Dentistry at (805) 205-9299 for an appointment in our Paso Robles office.

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