Can i eat ice cream sandwiches after wisdom teeth removal

Don’t Starve After Wisdom Teeth: Here’s What You Can Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

The most common problem in getting wisdom teeth removed is, in the end, having to modify your eating habits during the healing process.

Your nerves are sensitive, and there’s a chance that sutures can be ripped open with too much chewing. That’s why we’ve put together a listicle on soft foods that can be eaten directly after a wisdom tooth extraction.

Overall, foods that are soft and don’t have anything to chew are great for post-extraction meals. If the bulky parts of the food can be broken down by the lips, such as with most soups, then you’ll be all set chowing down!


Yogurt is a great and satisfying snack. Post-extraction, you should enjoy all these tasty treats low-fat and with fruit. Over time, the fruit softens to a point that one can in most cases just swallow.


As stated above, many soups are perfectly fine for post-extraction meals. The key is to make sure that nothing gets stuck in the teeth, so many sure to rinse thoroughly after eating.

Soups are great because the broths themselves are filled with the essence of the foods made in them. You can enjoy a nice soup with or without the solid ingredients, depending on whether your making it from a can or from scratch.

Ice Cream

That’s right. Ice cream—without its solid and harder contents—is a welcome and reasonable respite from the trauma of getting wisdom teeth extracted. But beware of things like chocolate chips and cookie pieces. Combining sugar with harder ingredients will be detrimental to the healing of your teeth.

We suggest simple flavors such as vanilla and chocolate, and maybe the occasional caramel swirl.

Mashed Potatoes

Being very soft and with the option of adding tons of different flavors, mash potatoes might become your best friend after a wisdom tooth extraction.

Make sure the consistency is as smooth as possible—you don’t want any surprises biting down on something solid!

Apple Sauce

Apple sauce is everything great for extracted wisdom teeth—cold, soft, and delicious.

There are also tons of different flavored apple sauces, so you don’t have to get bored with the same old run of the mill stuff. It’s also a great way to maintain a healthy amount of fruit in your diet, since most fruits are made of solid material.


Go ahead, indulge! Shakes are almost completely soft and blended, which means all the different flavor combinations available will most likely be safe for you to eat!

Wherever you go for a nice shake, make sure to find out whether they are completely blended. And, if you can handle no whipped topping, your teeth will certainly thank you for it!


This stuff melts in your mouth, so for obvious reasons it’s safe to eat. We caution that you take time with this—sometime even just a little pressure on the gums will cause pain post-extraction.

As reason would have it, you can also enjoy pudding. A great alternative to ice cream, pudding is nearly always completely blended and soft, with no solid ingredients to speak of. Just make sure to rinse!


Oatmeal is a healthy part of any diet. With limited options post-wisdom teeth extraction you may want to start enjoying this treat for your health.

Getting your wisdom teeth removed requires some recovery time. Your mouth will likely feel a little sore after the procedure—but you’ve still got to eat! Having lots of tasty foods stocked ahead of time can help you be prepared for staying nourished and healthy after your surgery. Soft foods are ideal as they’re easy on your mouth and require less chewing. What food options are available to you after wisdom tooth removal?

For Breakfast: Oatmeal, Yogurt, Eggs

Never start the day without breakfast! For this meal, you’ve got several options. You can enjoy warm oatmeal with apples, cinnamon, and honey to wake up your taste buds. You may also choose to eat yogurt with some soft fruit such as oranges or banana in it. If you’re more of a hearty breakfast person, fried, scrambled, or hard-boiled eggs back a protein punch! You can also opt for pancakes—just be sure they’re soft enough for you to chew.

For Lunch: Soft Breads, Soup, Smoothies

As lunchtime approaches, reach for things like soft breads or soup. A tuna fish sandwich or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich should be easy enough to chew, but do your best to avoid meats, as they can be difficult to chew with your stitches. An exception here would be chicken soup—the meat should be soft enough to eat with minimal chewing. Smoothies are also an excellent option and can pack vital nutrients for healing! Try spinach, banana, and frozen berries blended with milk or yogurt to soothe your sore mouth.

For Snack: Avocado, Banana, Applesauce

There are plenty of fruits to eat for a snack in the afternoon or really anytime throughout the day. Avocados are full of healthy fats and are soft and perfect for easy consumption. Ripened bananas are an easy to-go snack and are mushy enough to require almost no chewing at all! Applesauce can feel cool and soothing on your mouth and is easy to eat after you’ve gotten your wisdom teeth out.

For Dinner: Pasta, Fish, Mashed Potatoes

Pasta such as macaroni and cheese is perfect when well-cooked for your post wisdom teeth removal diet. You may also choose to eat fish, as it’s usually soft enough to eat. Be sure to stay away from any fresh fish that may still contain bones, as these can poke and injure your surgical site. Mashed potatoes are also a great choice. For more plant-based options, try beans, steamed spinach, and tofu with your dinner!

For Dessert: Ice Cream and Pudding

Don’t forget about dessert! These cool foods can help stop swelling in your mouth and be a treat for after your surgery. Grab your favorite ice cream at the store and put pudding in the fridge or freezer to cool before eating. Your mouth will thank you!

Getting your wisdom teeth removed can be uncomfortable, but the procedure is simple and your mouth will easily heal within a few days. By having these soft foods at home, you can ensure that you relax, heal, and have plenty of food choices so you don’t have to go hungry. Choose these soft foods after wisdom tooth removal!


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What Can I Eat After Wisdom Tooth Removal?


You may feel a little sore after a wisdom tooth procedure—but you’ve still got to eat! Having lots of tasty foods stocked ahead of time can help you be prepared for staying nourished and healthy after your surgery.


When can I start eating ice cream after wisdom teeth removal?

Taking ice-cream is recommended within the first 24 hours of the procedure. This is when most of the swelling happens.

Can you eat soft sandwiches after wisdom teeth removal?

Soft bread and grains are excellent after surgery, including white bread, wheat bread, flatbread, and flour tortilla. Grains like oatmeal, cream of wheat, rice, pasta noodles, and saltines are also suitable foods.

What flavor ice cream can I eat after wisdom teeth removal?

The flavor of the ice cream or popsicle doesn't really matter. But it should be noted not to eat those with nuts or other ingredients that are hard to chew. Doing so might cause your healing gums to bleed, causing more pain.

Can you eat ice cream 3 days after wisdom teeth removal?

For the first 24 to 48 hours, eat only liquid and soft foods like yogurt, apple sauce, and ice cream. Cold foods may help with some of the discomfort. As you start to feel better, you can try incorporating more solid foods. On the third day after surgery, try foods like eggs, toast, or oatmeal.


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