Can i eat chicken noodle soup after gallbladder surgery


<font color=red>I'm sitting here watching the new

  • #1

I've been asked to bring a meal for a neighbor that had gallbladder surgery this weekend. I know that they are suppose to avoid things high in fat and her DH mentioned that she need something that was soft and with no dairy in it. I asked about chicken noodle soup (not my idea of a perfect meal in 100 degree temps but I thought it might work) and he said she can't have chicken or beef either.
With all of these guidelines can you think of anything that would fit the bill?


<font color=green>We'll remember when...<br><font

  • #2

That's odd.. My DD had her gall bladder out on March 27th or thereabouts and I don't recall any dietary instructions at all when she came home.. (It was in and out the same day..)

Maybe someone else can shed some light on this..

It's a nice thing you want to do..


Mouseketeer<br><font color=red>I don't buy it. I'm

  • #3

That's odd. After my surgery, I was told I could eat anything. And I did without any problems. A friend of mine also had the surgery and she was told to limit the fat but that everything else was ok.

Sorry, I'm not much help.

  • #4

After my surgery I did not have any restrictions, but I really did not have a big appetite right afterwards either for a day or two.

BEFORE my surgery I had restrictions

  • #5

What about a nice pasta salad? You could do it with a light dressing?

I had my gall bladder out a couple of years ago and all they told me was low fat for a while. I ate a lot of lentil soup. Maybe a lentil salad?


<font color=darkorchid>Really, this year there's n

  • #6

Strange. I had mine out in December and was allowed to eat anything I wanted to. I found the first couple of weeks I didn't want anything heavy with fat but other than that, I pretty much ate what I wanted.

I've learned over the past couple of months there are still things that don't sit well like broccoli and donuts... not together of course.

Unless this lady has other dietary concerns, I don't know why you would have to worry about things like chicken and beef.

  • #7

Although it isn't reflected in this thread, many people can no longer eat fatty foods after having gall bladder surgery. Also spicy foods can really bother some people. Search one of the old threads on post-surgical gallbladder troubles.


<font color=green>We'll remember when...<br><font

  • #8

Perhaps you could call back and ask what she can have? Maybe the DH is confusing the pre-surgery diet to the post-surgery diet.. You definitely don't want to bring the wrong thing, so I would call back and ask for specific suggestions..


<font color=blue>How exactly are the drunk people

  • #9

Another one that had no dietary restrictions after the surgery?!?! Very puzzling.

I'd go with a pasta in a marinara sauce - you can add some shrimp and scallops for a protein.


<font color=darkorchid>I found myself ironing all

  • #10

I had my gallbladder out 2 months ago. I was told to avoid foods high in fat. The gallbaldder helps to break down fats and your body needs a little time to adjust.

I would suggest something high in fiber blush: ) and light. Perhaps a homemade vegetable soup with a nice salad.
My friend brought me over a Rita's Italian ice. Though it did not have the fiber I needed, it was light and refreshing.

What soups can I eat after gallbladder surgery?

Vegetable soups are nutritious and easy to digest. It may be better to avoid creamy soups, at least for the short term. Dairy: Full-fat dairy products may be too hard for your body to break down, especially while recovering from surgery.

Can I have chicken soup after gallbladder surgery?

Stick to less-flavorful foods while you recover from gallbladder removal surgery. Also, avoid heavy soups, sauces, and gravies.

Can you eat Chicken broth after gallbladder removal?

Drink plenty of water, broth, and sports drinks. But again, avoid alcohol for at least 2 days after your surgery, especially if you're feeling the effects of anesthesia or pain meds. Low-fat foods. Low-fat foods will be easier for you to digest and are less likely to cause gas, bloating, or diarrhea.

Can I eat noodle after gallbladder surgery?

Can I eat ramen noodles after gallbladder removal? Soft, solid foods (i.e. bananas, plain pasta, eggs, etc.) are easier for your body to digest,but this depends on how you are feeling after your gallbladder removal. It is important to remember that it is best to slowly introduce solid foods as more time passes.


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