Am i left brained or right brained quiz

This test is based on the left brain/right brain dominance theory. According to this theory “left-brained” and “right-brained” individuals have a huge difference in behavior, personality traits and cognitive strategies.

Human brain is really divided into two halves, or hemispheres. Each of these halves has particular areas control certain functions.

So the left brain is connected to:

  • language learning abilities
  • logical reasoning
  • speech and writing abilities
  • information storage and analysiss
  • math skills

Functions of the right brain:

  • music and rhythm
  • imagination and emotions
  • arts and creativity
  • sexual preferences
  • recognizing faces

The idea of different approaches in teaching people with a different dominant brain became especially popular in the 70s of the last century. Thus, for people with a dominant left hemisphere, appropriate educational programs were developed based on rational and logically substantiated tasks. For “right-brained” people - on creativity and emotions received in the learning process.

1. I keep a to do list in order to organize my schedule.



2. I base important decisions on logic rather than intuition.



3. I am a risk taker.



4. When I have many tasks to accomplish I start with the hard ones first.



5. I think that rules and regulations are important for society to function effectively.



6. It is easier for me to remember faces rather than names.



7. I can usually tell what time it is without looking at a watch.



8. I gesture a lot with my hands when talking.



9. There is a right and a wrong way to do everything.



10. I sometimes act spontaneously without thinking about the consequences of my actions.



11.I turn my head to the right when someone asks me a question.



12. I am more artistic than technical.



13. I prefer to pay attention to how people are communicating (non verbal cues), rather than what they are saying.



14. I like to rearrange the furniture in my house two or three times a year.



15. I would read the instructions before assembling something.



16. My desk is usually very messy.



17. I am usually on time for my appointments.



18. I have difficulty expressing myself with words sometimes.



19. It bothers me when I cannot make sense of every single situation.



20. I am better in algebra than in geometry.



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Age: Gender: Country: Preferred movie genre: Preferrred sport: Preferred snack:

The results of these surveys will be posted shortly on this site, and will correlate brain dominance, with random factors such as snack preference, or choice of clothing.

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If You Don't Lie About Your Answers, This Quiz Will Reveal Whether You're Right Or Left Brain Dominant

C'mon, I know you're curious. 🧠

Here's how this quiz works: This quiz uses 13 multiple choice questions to analyze your preferences and decision-making habits. All you've got to do is tap on the image that best answers each prompt. Make sure you read each question carefully before answering, but don't overthink your answer. This works best when you're honest and go with your gut. Now that all that is covered, let's get goin'!

Did you enjoy this decision making quiz? If so, you can take this one that reveals your red and green flags, too!

How do I know if I am right or left brained?

The theory is that people are either left-brained or right-brained, meaning that one side of their brain is dominant. If you're mostly analytical and methodical in your thinking, the theory says that you're left-brained. If you tend to be more creative or artistic, you're right-brained.

Is left or right brained smarter?

Right Brain Left Brain While it's true that certain mental processes tend to occur in either the right or left hemisphere of the brain, research into the topic has found no evidence that people have stronger networks on one side of the brain or the other.

Are left brained more intelligent?

The left hemisphere of the brain controls learning and information processing. Children who have stronger left-brain functions tend to be more analytical in their thinking and typically perform well academically.

Can I be both left and right brained?

You may have even heard the term “golden brain” used to refer to people who use both sides of their brain equally. This is very similar to how most people are either right handed or left handed, and some people are even ambidextrous!


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