A christmas carol stave 1 marleys ghost questions and answers

  • 1. What is Scrooge's relationship to Jacob Marley?

A) They were business partners
B) They were enemies
C) They were brothers
D) They were best friends

  • 2. Which word best describes Scrooge?

A) misery
B) affectionate
C) bored
D) childlike

  • 3. Who stops by to invite Scrooge to a meal?

A) nephew
B) brother
C) cousin
D) son

  • 4. What is Scrooge's first name?

A) Eberto
B) Ebenezer
C) Ebrahim
D) Eberhadrt

  • 5. What are the men who are collecting money on Christmas Eve, using the money for?

A) charity
B) education
C) parties
D) decorations

  • 6. What does Scrooge tell his employee to do in exchange for his time off for the holiday?

A) work overtime
B) Take Scrooge with him to the party
C) come in early next day
D) cut his pay

  • 7. What is the first mysterious sound that Scrooge hears?

A) party music
B) dogs barking
C) doorbell ringing
D) raindrops falling

  • 8. What is the second mysterious sound that Scrooge hears?

A) chains dragging
B) doors creaking
C) floorboards squeaking
D) footsteps dragging

  • 9. What must Marley carry around with his spirit?

A) books
B) weights
C) sorrow
D) chains

  • 10. What has Marley come to do to Scrooge?

A) scare him
B) change him
C) warn him
D) kill him

  • 11. How many visitors does Marley say will come to Scrooge in the night?

A) four
B) three
C) two
D) six

  • 12. What does Marley tell Scrooge these visitors will hold for him?

A) a key
B) a photo
C) a snap chat
D) an instragram

  • 13. Who does Scrooge believe should be confined to prisons and workhouses?

A) the weak
B) the elderly
C) the children
D) the poor

  • 14. What does Scrooge eat a bowl of in front of the fire before he receives his first visitor?

A) pudding
B) soup
C) gruel
D) curds

  • 15. What does Scrooge claim is causing his images of Jacob Marley?

A) whiskey
B) food poisoning
C) nightmares
D) fever

  • 16. . At what time will the first two visitors come for Scrooge?

A) one o clock
B) midnight
C) two o clock
D) noon

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What is the purpose of Marley's Ghost in Stave 1?

Marley symbolises worldly greed and spiritual poverty. It was long, and wound about him like a tail; and it was made (for Scrooge observed it closely) of cash-boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, and heavy purses wrought in steel.

What does Marley's Ghost Symbolise?

What does Marley's ghost symbolize? Marley's ghost and his chains symbolize what Jacob Marley cared about most in life: material wealth. At the point when Marley's ghost appears, material wealth is also what Scrooge cares about the most.

What does Marley's Ghost tell Scrooge?

Marley states to Scrooge: "It is required of every man," the Ghost returned, "that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander through the world—oh, woe is me!

How is the Ghost of Marley presented?

His Ghost is described as having chains ​“made of cash boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds”​, all items connected with his job. Indeed, Dickens clarifies that these are the ​“chains (he) forged in life”​, reinforcing the idea that he is suffering due to his own actions.


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